Friday, February 25, 2005


After that last conversation with Chester I was pretty pissed, so I didn't e-mail him again. About an hour later he e-mailed me asking if I was still mad. I told him that that wasn't a cool thing to joke about and he apologized and said he didn't think it would be that big of a deal. He said he couldn't believe I was just going to bounce like that when I said "ok, take care", and that it really hurt him. He said his afternoon was ruined when I was mad at him. I asked him if he expected me to stick around after he convinced me he was married, he said no and apologized again. Then we changed the subject and we were talking about other random things when he started telling me about this girl that's stalking him. She's a girl he went out with for like a month and now she won't leave him alone. He said she just randomly shows up at his house or at his work with lunch and gets really pissed if he already ate. He said she'll throw it on his windshield with a note that says "You're welcome!" haha! Sucks to be him!


I hadn't talked to Chester in a couple days and this morning he sent me a text asking if I forgot about him. So we started e-mailing this morning. Well, somehow dating came up and I asked if he's dating anyone right now at all. To make it short I'll just type out the basic conversation:

me: so are you dating anyone right now? at all?
him: honestly?
me: of course.
him: haha! i had you going there. no, I don't date.
me: what do you do?
him: i chill, work, and take care of my family
me: so you don't date because you can't find a girl that understands
your situation with your daughters?
him: I don't date because I'm married.
me: are you serious?
him: you knew that.
me: are you fuckin kidding me?
him: i've been married for 10 years!
me: hmm. ok, well take care.
him: no! where are you going??? i was playing!
me: don't play with me. tell me the truth.
him: damn! can't i joke anymore?
me: put it on everything you love.
him: i don't put anything on everything I love.
me: then promise me you're not married.
him: so because I joked with you, now you don't believe me?
me: i don't think it's funny.
him: I promise you.

So that's where it ended. What the f*ck??? i have absolutely NO idea
what to believe. he could be married for all i know, or he could be
joking. i have no idea, and now i don't know what to do. i mean, it
doesn't effect my decision to move or anything like that, it doesn't
change any of that at all, and i for sure wasn't counting on going
back to "be" with him, but i need to know. UGH! He's SUCH a f*cker!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The girl who cried wolf...

I don't talk much about my younger sister, Lynn because... well, i love her to death, but she drives me absolutely crazy. We have pretty much nothing in common. She's 20, a sophomore in college, in a sorority, lives at the sorority house, and basically she lives in her own little world where she truly believes everything revolves around her. She's one of those "Enough about me. What do YOU think of me???" kind of girls. Oh my god she drives me insane. She goes to college in NM, but where she is is about 3-4 hours away from any family. Well, ever since she went to college a couple years ago, she became the girl who cried wolf. She even got voted Miss Drama Queen in her sorority! My sister Serena and I had to let her know that that's not a compliment. Anyway, so she constantly calls with these outrageous stories! According to her she gets stalked like every weekend, she's been in car accidents, fires, hauntings, I can't tell you how many of her friends have died or OD'd on numerous things in front of her, her car has been broken into severals times, she's had near death experiences when her car has flipped off the freeway into a ravine, she's been to the hospital dozens of times, she's had tumors, she's been engaged about a hundred times, one of her "boyfriends" died in Iraq... are you catching on here??? I am not exagerating whatsoever. She has told me everything I just told you, all of these things have happened to her pretty much on a weekly, even daily basis. After a while I just started to roll my eyes at her stories and pretty much ignore her, because it's SO freakin old! Well, I had been dodging her calls for a couple days because she sent me a couple of her notorious text messages last weekend saying 1.) that her sorority house got broken into (for like the 8th time this semester), and 2.) That she hooked up with the hottest guy she's ever seen in her life (I'm sure they'll be engaged by the weekend). So, I started to feel bad that I had been dodging her calls so I called her last night. BIG mistake! She told me that she was home studying, but was supposed to be on a date with the hottest guy ever (not the same hottest guy ever from last weekend though), then she told me that as a fundraiser her sorority did an auction and she earned the most money. She said 3 guys got together and paid $125 for her, and that the next highest girl got $60. She was very proud and wondering what they were going to make her do. THEN, after the homework, date, and auction stories she proceeded to tell me how last weekend (the same weekend of the break-in at the house, and the hottest guy ever hook up) she said that she was too drunk to drive so some guy said he would take her home but he had to stop at his house real quick. So they get in his truck and off they go. Well, this guy lives on the outskirts of town so it took them a while, all of a sudden she doesn't know where they are anymore and he pulls off onto a dirt road. He tells her they're almost there, then he goes off-road and they're driving through the desert out in the middle of nowhere. When they're quite a way out from any civilization he stops the truck and turns it off. She said she demanded that he take her home to which he replies "Just give me 20 minutes!" and started groping her. She said it took a while but she finally fought him off and he got really angry, yelled at her and started the truck back up to take her home. He dropped her off, asked if they can hook up sometime, she tells him "Fuck you." and he leaves. End of story. After she tells me all of this, she is silent and waiting for my response. Well, she didn't get one. She didn't get on my nerves, she got all the way into my fucking bone marrow with this one. I was so pissed I swear I felt physically hot like my blood was boiling. I stayed completely silent and she says very impatiently "Well, don't you have anything to say about my story???" "No, Lynn, I sure don't." I must've sounded pretty snappy because she goes "Well! Someone's in a bad mood!" Ok, I know that she's the baby of the family so she wants a lot of attention. But why the FUCK does she have to make up these stories??? This story really threw me over the edge though, the others I could handle but not this one. If I could've choked her through the phone I definitely would have. There are some things that she can cry wolf about and I'll over look, but not that. I don't know what her malfunction is that actually made her think that that was ok. But it's SO far from ok, I just want to punch her. The reasons I know this is a lie are #1 it was the 4th story she told me in our phone conversation. You'd think a terrifying experience like that would take precedence over homework, a date, or an auction. #2 she was totally relaxed when she told me all of this, her tone of voice was like she was telling me about a new shirt she just bought, she wasn't shaken up, scared, angry, sad, embarrassed... just totally normal. #3 She waited until 4 days later to tell me this story (when I called her), when she sent me text messages about her hot hook up and the break in at the house during the actual weekend. You'd think something like that would make the text message breaking news. #4 She let herself be auctioned off to 3 frat boys the next day (or so she says)!!! Personally, I don't think I'd auction myself off to frat boys I've never met the day after I got nearly date raped in the middle of the desert, by a frat boy. I talked to Serena about it today and she absolutely agreed with me that Lynn is full of shit with all her stories. We all know she is, but I have no idea what to do. She wants attention, but what she doesn't realize is that she has plenty of truthful things about her life that she can tell us and she would get a ton of positive attention, like her grades, her classes, true stuff about her sorority, friends, fun things she does. Why does she think she has to make up these horrible stories???

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Ask away!

I'm going to follow the lead of Opaco, and open my blog up for questions. You ask, I'll answer, simple as that. There's nothing I'm shy about, or that I won't answer, so anything you want to know, just post in the comments and I'll make a post of it in a day or two.

Today's Horoscope

- Taurus -

Don't let your emotions get mixed into whatever equation you are involved in today. As long as you can keep a clear head, you should be able to get past any obstacle that arises. Patience will pay off and endurance will be your ally.

Just another day

I typed this big long post yesterday and lost it, so this is going to be the condensed version. I spent the weekend at my brother Paul's house up in the mountains. It was really rainy and foggy all weekend so we just watched movies the whole time. It was really nice. He and I went to see Constantine on Friday night, we both hated it. Cop called me and is settled into his new apartment, he said he felt like taking a long drive on Sunday and asked if I would mind if he came to see me. I told him of course not. He came up and we were at my brother Jeff's house. Jeff and his wife were out for the day. So Cop and I were talking about his soon to be ex-wife, and I was telling him about Chester, we were talking and laughing, then all of a sudden we were kissing, then we were... well, you know. I sure didn't see that one coming! I think that we just find comfort in eachother after everything we've been through together and now we know that nothing can come between our friendship. I know we both needed the stress reliever, so it was a good thing. It has been almost exactly a year since the last time we had sex, which was right before he moved in with me last year. I really didn't think it would happen again. Never say never, right? Chester is just being himself, doing and saying everything he can to sucker me in. I think I'm handling it pretty well though, it's definitely tough. This weekend he was telling me how he printed the pictures I sent him and carries them with him. I told him he's full of shit. He insists he did, that he put one in the visors of each of his 2 cars and one in his wallet. I still don't believe it. Then today he asked me when I'm going to realize that he's my Mr. Right. We were talking about when I left him for Mama's Boy, and I said something like "you have to go through all the bad ones to really appreciate the good ONE." He asked who the good "ONE" might be and I said hopefully I'll find out soon. He said he has a good idea of who it is, and it's someone who's arms I love. (He said that because I always compliment his arms) He told me I have 3 chances to guess who it is, so I guessed The Rock, and Vin Diesel, then I told him I didn't know and gave up. haha! I'm such a jerk.

Every Time

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