Monday, March 28, 2005

Lunch time stalker

It really sucks not having a reliable computer anywhere. My laptop just blows. My computer is in storage. My brother screams at me every time I touch his computer, and the IT nazi at work monitors everything I do. So, unfortunately my blog has to suffer for this. I'll be back to normal soon though.

Well, D day to move was supposed to be April 9th, but got bumped to April 21st because my brother Paul (who's driving with me, apparently because he thinks I'm incapable of doing anything by myself) has a friend from HS that's going to be in NM at the end of April. So he basically rescheduled MY freakin move so that he can see his damn friend. I really love when people use my moving, as a free trip and take it over as their own fuckin vacation. I had it all planned and he fucked it all up. I'm just in a really bad mood about it right now. I want to get it over with. I know you're saying, why don't you tell him no then??? Because he'll turn it around and make it look like i'm so ungrateful and unappreciative of him taking the time to drive me out there like a good big brother. Then everyone will jump on my case. I'd rather just avoid that whole situation.

Last night Marine called me at like 7:00 and asked what I was up to, and asked me to come over. He lives 2 hours away. I told him he's crazy, i'm not driving 2 hours to hang out for a couple hours before I have to go to bed to get up and have a 3 hour commute with traffic in the morning. He was like "pleeeeeeeease! If I don't see you now, I probably wont be able to see you before you leave!" I told him i'm not doing it, but he can come see ME next weekend if he wants to see me that bad. My brother and his wife will be in Miami from Thursday to Monday so I'll have the house to myself. He happily agreed and said he would drive up after he gets out of work on Saturday afternoon. I think it will be much better than last time because i know what to expect this time, and have detached myself emotionally from him. So, we'll hang out, drink, laugh, hook up and he'll be on his merry way on Sunday. Then hopefully I'll see him sometime down the line when I come back to visit. I was thinking about inviting the Newlyweds to come up too, so the four of us can hang out, but I don't know yet. Now that I have a couple more weekends left maybe I can spend time with them in the next few weeks.

Cop also said he would come to visit and bring his 2 little boys to see me before I leave. He has a really tough schedule, so I'm hope he's able to make it out. I love when he's not with his psycho b!tch (soon to be ex) wife. He's back to his normal, funny self whenever they're apart, and we talk like 2-3 times a day. Man, I'm gonna miss him, and his babies!

So today I was walking out to my car to go to lunch, and these 2 guys passed by in this big white u-haul type truck. They slowed down and were staring and giving me these cheesy ass grins. I just ignored them and went to my car. I wanted to be alone so I parked way far out in the parking lot where nobody else is and was listening to the radio when the guy in the truck came and parked in the space right next to mine. It was just the driver this time. He just sat there and stared at me. I was like what the fuck??? This mother fucker. So I started my car and moved 2 rows away. So what does he do? Moves his truck to the space next to mine again, and just sits there and stares at me. I was like ok, what the fuck? In what fuckin country is this attractive, or even OK??? I wanted to look busy to give him a hint, so I called my sister and was talking to her when (10 minutes later) he walks up and knocks on my window. I tell my sister he's at the window and to hold on a sec, the conversation went like this:

Him: Hi, you busy?
Me: Um yeah, I'm on the phone.
(he hands me his business card)
Him: Well, you should give me a call.
Me: Actually, I have a boyfriend.
Him: Are you serious?
Me: Yes. I'm serious.
Him: Oh, well will you call me anyway?
Me: No. Probably not. Have a nice day.
Him: You should call me... please... you're beautiful.
Me: Thanks. Take care.
(and I rolled up my window.)

What a fuckin freako! Now that I look back on it, I was pretty bitchy. But who parks next to you and just stares??? He was clearly not normal.

Guess who decided to IM me today? Texas. I'm not sure if you remember him, I talked about him pretty briefly like a couple months or so ago. We were talking all the time, then all of a sudden he fell off the face of the earth. I told him I thought he found a girlfriend or something, he was like "no, I just felt like I was bothering you." I told him I don't know why, cuz he wasnt. He asked if I still had his # and I told him no. I gave him my # again and told him he can use it if he wants, so he called me about 5 minutes later. How random.