Thursday, June 24, 2004

Day 15

So today my friend (the one that's a mutual friend of Marine) kept asking me if I'm going to her wedding, I finally told her yes, I would at least go to the ceremony. Then she was asking if I was going to bring Cop (we all went to high school together), I told her no, that his wife would never allow it. So she told me to find a date, because I was welcome to bring someone. Then Blah starts IMing me asking when he's going to get to see me again. I just ignored him, the thought of spending time with him makes me want to drink cyanide! I can't stop thinking about Army. I have to write him a letter tonight. I care, and worry about him so much! My old roommate is going to be in town this weekend and wanted to know if I want to go out, I kind of do... we always used to go to strip clubs, it would be fun to go again. Well, I'm bored, I think I'm going to flirt with the new guy in the office. hasta manana.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Day 14

Last night I went home and took a nap, I didn't wake up until about 8:00 when Cop got home from class. I must've been in a really deep sleep because I was all confused and groggy when I woke up, not to mention in a bad mood! He just kept staring me asking me what's wrong and telling me how bloodshot my eyes were. I just kept thinking, what the fuck is he talking about? I was getting really irritated. So i sat up, and decided to recline my seat, when I did, the back of the couch hit the wall and make a loud noise, and for some reason that REALLY pissed me off. So i got up and started cussing at the couch lol I tried to push it away from the wall but it was too heavy so I kicked it as hard as I could. Cop was watching the whole couch rage incident from the kitchen and had this look on his face like I was posessed. I'd like to think I was, because that whole thing was pretty retarded now that i look back at it, but I was pissed at the time. Anyway, i laid back down on the couch and went back to sleep, once I woke up for the 2nd time I was fine and in a good mood. I guess I just woke up on the wrong side of the couch.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Did you really think I was going to name my blog the most unlucky number of them all? That's like asking for a bad day, no spank you! So, I got a letter from Army last night! =) It was so weird, on my way home Benz called and asked if I wanted to go to dinner. I said yeah, even though I was dead tired, because I love hanging out with him. So I went home took a quick shower, then he picked me up and we went to T.G.I.Friday's. Lots of fun as always, then he drops me off and I was thinking I had to check the mail. Usually, I'll let it go for a day or two if I'm too tired and lazy to walk across the complex and get it, but yesterday something was telling me I had to check it. I had a really strong feeling I would get a letter from Army, and sure enough! I was so excited! So i open it up right away and start reading it while I'm walking back, well it turns out that he sent that letter the same day that I sent his care package (another weird coincidence), so I still don't know if he got it yet. Anyway, he talked all about the weather there, and he described the combat he's been in, just trying to give me an idea of what he's going through. At the end of the letter he told me basically to seize the moment, and if there's something I want to go after it. It's not really like him to talk like that, so it kind of had me thinking. Little does he know that he's what I want! I would love to be with him. But it's kind of hard when he's all the way across the world. So anyway, after I read the letter like 10 times I started watching the dvd I got from Netflix called "21 days to Baghdad", it is so good! Then Cop's wife and the 2 little ones came over, so I scooped up the baby and held him for pretty much the rest of the night. I love holding him, and talking to him. He looks at me like he's following, and understanding every word I say. Every once in a while he coos like he's talking back to me. It's SO fun! We can sit and do that for hours and he never cries. Man, I can't wait to have little ones of my own... some day. ;) Ok, it's probably time to get some work done... see ya.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Day 12

This weekend was so much fun, I went to San Diego with my brother and my dad. We went to the beach, and to Tijuana. It was great! I didn't want to come home. I need to live somewhere closer to water. I've narrowed it down to either the Bay Area or San Diego. Come November, I'm moving to one of the two.

Cop is really making an effort since we had that talk the other day. He called me yesterday on my way home to see how my trip was, and then again today to see how my day is going. I have to give him a lot of credit to try to make such a fucked up situation work. I definitely feel for him.

So on Saturday I get a really weird message from Fireman. He called when I was in San Diego, and said he was thinking about me and wanted to see how I was doing. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm... so, I call my sister to see what's going on with him, and sure enough, he broke up with his girlfriend. I didn't tell her he called because she would just throw a fit. She likes to think she knows what's best for everyone, and likes to try to indirectly control other people's love lives. So I definitely didn't want to mention the call to her because I didn't want to hear anything she would have to say about it. I'm debating whether I want to call him back or not, nothing can really come of it because we live 1300 miles apart, but it would be interesting to talk to him.

Mama's boy also called me last week to try to make me jealous. He said that him and his off and on (19 year old) girlfriend are getting back together. He said that she wants to adopt his 6 year old daughter, and be the female role model in her life. I laughed so hard I almost choked when he told me that. The whole thing is just rediculous, but the only person I sympathize with in the situation is his little girl. Her mom has never been around, so her grandma (mama boy's mom) has been raising her, and now he wants this 19 year old girl to adopt her? Ay ay ay!

Ok, I have an hour and a half left of work, then I can go home take a shower get in my PJ's and watch my Netflix movies until I fall asleep. Oh yeah, and hold Cop's little baby...=) I missed those little ones so much this weekend! I don't know what I'm going to do when we move in November and I don't have them around anymore. =(