Sex... love... uh oh's
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Friday, February 11, 2005
Let me be single!
Why do people always feel like they have to hook a single person up with someone they know??? How often does that actually work out? Really, I'd like to know the odds because I know they're pretty low. I never try to hook people up unless they ask me too, well, with the exception of Marine. But honestly... I have the newlywed trying to hook me up with her husband's co-worker, then this lady today at work was showing me pictures of her brother and trying to hook me up with him, then this OTHER lady at work was trying to hook me up with one of our other co-workers. She has been telling me about him for the past week or so. She told me he works downstairs, that he's really nice, totally down to earth, and a model, actually he's been featured in Playgirl. Then she proceeds to bring up a website with pictures of him on it, both regular and nude! I was like whoa! what the...??? Am I really looking at nude pictures of my co-worker at work?? So, I was like oh, that's great, sounds like a cool guy. Then went back to my desk. On Monday morning I walk in the building and guess who's sitting at the front desk? Playgirl, actually we'll call him Playboy (because calling him playgirl is just weird). I hadn't met him yet, and he caught me totally off guard because when I saw him all I could think of was his bare ass (none of the pictures on that site showed any more than that). So, of course, it was awkward so I just smiled and went upstairs. The next morning the same thing happened, this time I smiled and waved, and went upstairs. Then, today, I'm sitting at my desk working away when I see him walk around the corner. He starts making small talk with my co-worker (the one who was telling me about him), then she goes "Oh, you haven't met Elizabeth have you? Elizabeth, this is Playboy. Playboy, Elizabeth." He came over to shake my hand, we both smile and say the usual "Nice to meet you." He made a little bit of small talk, just asking how I like it so far, blah blah blah... then said he would see me later, and went back downstairs. As soon as he left, my co-worker whips around in her chair and was like "You know, he came up here just so I would introduce you to him. So... what do you think? Isn't he cute? Do you like him???" Oh lord. Here we go. I told her yes, he's very good looking, and seems really nice, and left it at that. Then later I hear her talking to the b!tches and saying "I introduced Playboy to Elizabeth, I think they're going to go out." Which is EXACTLY what I'm trying to avoid. Office gossip. In reality, he is extremely good looking, and has a perfect body, but he isn't my type at all. You guys have seen what I like. He just looks too much like a male model, too pretty. And I definitely don't ever want a guy that I will have to fight with for bathroom mirror time in the morning. So, he's good office eye candy, but that's about it.Chester and I are still e-mailing back and forth all day, then he calls me at night. He asked me to be his Valentine today, I told him I'd have to review my list of offers and get back to him. haha! He's been so sweet lately, but I can't tell if he's genuine or just telling me what he knows I want to hear. He's a lot different, and a lot more open this time around. I have his phone number now, he told me exactly where he lives (which is actually only a couple blocks from my mom), he told me he wants me to meet his daughters when I get back. He's just been saying a lot of stuff he's never said before, and being a lot more open with me. I think one of my biggest faults though is that time heals almost all wounds for me. So someone can hurt me, then I won't talk to them for how ever many months or years and when I come in contact with them again it's like I forget everything bad that happened and only remember the good which makes myself totally vulnerable to being hurt again. So... I have no idea what to do with this situation. He's hurt me twice, is the 3rd time the charm??? I was talking to First about it today, but then we both had to go so he said he'd give me his opinion on the situation on Monday. He's always very honest, and gives great advice so I'm anxious to hear what he has to say.
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My celebrity soulmate
I came across this website today that determines which celebrity you are most compatible with by your date of birth. So... I'm thinking, "ooooh I wonder who I would get! Maybe...
Nope, only 50%. Ok, so maybe...

Nuh uh, 56%. I know! It must be...

Closer, we got 70%. Damn. Hmmm... I wonder who it is then...

99%?!?! Oh hell no. I'm not settling for Jimmy fuckin Fallon. Let's see what's behind lesbian door #2...

There she is, Jordana Brewster. My lesbian soulmate. We match 100%! (Because we were born on the same exact day) If only we were both lesbians!
Alright boys and girls, let's see who you're destined to be with!
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Megan's Law
Megan's Law is named after a 7-year-old Hamilton Township, New Jersey girl named Megan Nicole Kanka. On July 29, 1994, she was lured into her neighbor's home with the promise of a puppy and was brutally raped and murdered by a two-time convicted sex offender who had been convicted in a 1981 attack on a 5-year-old child and an attempted sexual assault on a 7-year-old. Eighty-nine days after Megan Kanka's disappearance, New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman signed the first state-level version of what we know as Megan's Law. The passage of Megan's Law in New Jersey eventually lead to the May 1996 passage of a federal law which is also known as Megan's Law. New Jersey's Megan's Law has specific mandates for active community notification which ensures that the community will be made aware of the presence of convicted sex offenders posing a risk to public safety. Under New Jersey's law, if a convicted sex offender is determined to pose a moderate risk of re-offending then schools and community groups likely to encounter that offender will be notified. If an offender is determined to pose a high risk of re-offending, then schools, community groups and members of the public, such as neighbors likely to encounter the offender, will be notified.Those of you who have been reading my blog regularly probably understand why I am so passionate about Megan's Law. I check pretty regularly to see exactly who is in my neighborhood, as well as the neighborhood in New Mexico where my sister and brother (in-law) live with my niece and nephew. I want to know at all times who is around me and the 2 most precious kids in my life. I believe the only way to be, or feel safe is to know your surroundings. That's easy to do as an adult, but it's also our responsibility to the children we love to educate them and make them aware of what is and is not ok as far as dealing with strangers, and people touching them, etc. My sister does an awesome job with them as far as that goes, they definitely know what's right and wrong. My nephew actually had a problem that he came to my sister and brother in law with when he was in 1st grade where another little boy kept touching my nephew's "privates" under the desk, which obviously made him really uncomfortable. When my nephew would tell him to stop, the kid would tickle him so he would laugh, then do it again. The first thing I thought of when I heard this was oh my god, this kid is getting molested himself. I bet he gets the same exact thing done to him, when he says stop, they tickle him and turn it into something funny. It makes me so fuckin sick. So, my brother went in and had a little talk with the teacher. I don't know exactly what came of it, but I do know that it stopped happening to my nephew. As far as the other kid goes. I can only pray for him.
Anyway, so I look up my neighborhood and there are 14 within a mile radius of my house where I live now. 14. Most of whom have committed these disgusting acts against children. I knew my sister's neighborhood couldn't be any better, in fact I knew it would be worse, sure enough there are 19 registered sex offenders within a mile radius of her house. Just thinking about it makes me ill. Anyway, if you want to look up your neighborhood, click here.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Music & Random thoughts
Video provided by your mom.Everything has been going pretty well lately, I could be stressed and freaking out about a lot of things, but it doesn't do any good. So I'm just letting whatever's going to happen, happen and deal with it as it comes. I'm not sure exactly why I chose this song besides the fact that I love it. It reminds me of Patterson, but of course that's NOT why I love it. I guess because it relaxes me. I don't really have anything new and exciting to say. I don't know how you guys keep reading this blog, and aren't bored out of your minds. blah blah blah... it seems like I say the same things over and over again. "My ex _______ started calling me again", "My brother's a fucker", "I hate New Mexico", "I'm sick." So, I guess I'm saying thank you to the faithful readers out there. It's a tough job, and I'm glad you guys do it! ; ) I especially want to thank M.N. for being there from my very first post, reading, giving advice, and being so supportive. You're awesome!!!
On with life... let's see... since I don't really have anything exciting, I'll just update the normal stuff. I'm still sick, it's not too bad except for this freakin cough. It can get pretty annoying. Work is fine, I hope they extend my assignment where I am or that she has another one ready for me when this one ends. I need the money like Ashlee Simpson needs a new career. One thing I've noticed at work is there are quite a few creepy lurkers. These lurkers are guys/old men that work there and always seem to be lurking around my office. There's this one old, half bald man from the IT dept that passes by my desk like a jillion times a day and never says a word, just gives me this really creepy smile that makes me nauseas. Then there's the new security guard who is supposed to "guard" the parking lot and lobby downstairs, yet he seems to run into me upstairs on the 3rd floor where I work at least 3-4 times a day, as well as when I come and go to my car during the day. He always has something stupid and creepy to say like "Aw, don't leave me!" or "Well hello sunshine!" I'm sure it sounds nice while you're reading it, but it's not, he's creepy. Today when I came back from lunch there were these 2 HOT cops in the lobby, so I went upstairs and told the girl sitting next to me "You have to go down to the lobby, there's 2 fuckin HOT cops down there!" Of course, just as I said "...2 fuckin HOT cops down there." They both walked around the corner and to her desk, and they heard it all. Dammit! Turns out the girl I told had a fraud check to give to them. I hate it when that happens.
There's this guy I used to go out with when I was 19, and he was 29. Here's a clip from my very first post to refresh your memory of who he is:
Chester (the molester) - dated him... correction had sex with him for several months when i was 19-20, he was 29-30. again, the sex was great but i wanted more than just sex and he was quite content with it, until i left him for Mama's Boy, then he decides he wants to be together. i'm convinced he's married, but can't prove it. we still e-mail all the time, and he still insists that he's in love with me and wants to settle down.
Anyway, he's another case of the ex that called me again. We haven't talked for several months and he e-mailed me last week out of the blue. He still lives in NM, and we've definitely had a roller coaster relationship over the last 5 years. But, as usual, time passes and I always forget the bad and remember the good in people so we started talking again. He's been calling me every day and has been really nice. I told him I'm moving back, so he said he wants to come out and help me move. I don't know about all that, he always has a hidden agenda. He plays football for the NM Soldiers now, it's semi-pro, so I'm assuming it's the same kind of thing Matt talks about. Cop also played on one of those teams in Sacramento. Anyway... so he keeps asking me if I'm going to go to his games this season, and making all these plans for us. He's really good at talking, but lacks quite a bit when it comes to action. So I'm definitely not counting on anything from him. I'll keep you posted though.
Guess who sent me a text message on Saturday that said "Have you found a girl for me yet?" Yup, Marine. He's such a fuck. I really don't know what he's trying to do, if he just thinks it's funny or if he wants me to say "yes, me!" I really don't know, and these stupid games just irritate me, so I didn't even respond. Our mutual friend, the newlywed, e-mailed me the other day because she wants to set me up with one of her husband's co-workers who she says is really nice. I told her next time I'm down there we can all go out one night or something. I hate being set up, it's always so awkward, but whatever I'm always up for meeting new people.
Woops... it's 1am and I need to get some sleep. G'night!
Oh my Jay-ness!
Last night I was watching Friday Night Lights and was mesmerized by how freakin hot my boyfriend Jay Hernandez is and decided to write a little bit on it. I'm a simple girl with pretty simple taste, I think that's why I'm so attracted to his "boy next door" look. For those of you who don't know him, he was in Ladder 49, Friday Night Lights, Torque, The Rookie, Joy Ride, and Crazy/Beautiful. So, for any of you who ever have, or ever do wonder what my "type" is... here ya go...

(Sorry SoCalRider, I was having some technical difficulties and had to redo the post, that's why it was missing for a while)