The Bet
Today sucked. I don't really want to talk about any of that though. I lost the first bet I had with
First because of the Yankees,
so today we decided to bet on four games just to make things exciting. Well, I won 3 of the 4, so now the score is
First - 2, Me - 3. Which puts me in the lead. Now, I don't remember if I explained this before but what we're doing is we each get a point for every bet we win. Then, when he comes to visit in September, the difference of the points is going to go to the winner, and he/she gets to pick that many things that they want the other to do. So, for example... let's say I have 13 and he has 10 points, that means I get to pick 3 things that he has to do, wear, say, whatever I want. They could be sexual, or non-sexual, could be anything. So... the purpose of this post is to get ideas on things I could make him do if I win. Like I said, they could be sexual or not. But I do want them to be fun! So... help me out guys, give me some ideas.
Something so weird happened today, I was totally pissed off and irritable at work, and the UPS guy came in and for some reason I just felt abnormally attracted to him. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's a good looking guy, but for some reason today I wanted to shove him in a closet and violate the hell outta him! haha! I think it's because this week has been so stressful, and I just need some stress relief sex. I just got laid on Saturday and it already feels like it's been a month! God help me!
It's Tuesday night and I haven't had a good night's sleep since... well, I'm not really sure when. It feels like I have everything and nothing on my mind all at the same time. I've cut all ties with
Cop. We haven't spoken since last Thursday, but his wife keeps e-mailing me to say hi, and make small talk. I told her today to have a nice life, that I will not be contacting her or
Cop again, ever, and I'd like them to do the same. I told her I don't want him in my life whatsoever. He's going to get what he deserves, and he's going to regret burning this bridge. I, however, never will. I'm a better person without him in my life.
First and I e-mailed back and forth quite a bit today as usual. We got to talking about sports and ended up starting this game where we'll bet on several things like games, or whatever up until next month when he comes to visit. Every time each of us gets a win, we get to think of something that the other person has to do when he's here. So this will be interesting. I could get really creative with this one. ;) He said he's going to make me bake him some cookies naked. haha!
Ok, well sorry for the boring post but unfortunately weekdays are usually pretty uneventful for me. G'night!
It's so weird how time flies, it feels like I just posted yesterday and it's been a week. Sorry about the slacking! Ok, well my week wasn't really exciting, so I'll just skip all the boring stuff. My little sister came into town this weekend, so we got to hang out, it was a lot of fun. She's 19 so we couldn't go out, out. But it was still fun. Cop was supposed to come get his stuff and he never did, so I shoved it all in his closet. I was so pissed because I asked him to come get it 2 weeks ago. Then he promised he would let me borrow his car this weekend too, because mine has been acting funny. So I needed a reliable car to take my sister out while she was here. He said he would pick me up at 8am on Friday morning (I had the day off) then I would take him to work and I could keep the car for the weekend. Well, he never showed up, and when I called him to see if he forgot or what, he goes "No, I didn't forget. It's just that everything's just been so difficult between us lately." I was like wait what??? So if you knew you weren't coming why the fuck didn't you call me??? He said he didn't have a phone which is the biggest bunch of bullshit! He's just afraid to ask his wife to use the phone. So I got really pissed and hung up on him, because now I didn't have a car to use while my sister was in town. Then he came about an hour later and got everything of his that he could fit in his car. He took his gun, and the microwave... basically everything that he told me I could keep here until I moved out so I don't have to buy new ones yet. Just to be a dick. I'm so fuckin over this worthless friendship, I just want him to come and get his bed, and leave his keys so I don't have to deal with him anymore. So I call First, who just happens to work for a car rental company. He is my freakin HERO!!! He got me a phat ass rental car for like $20 because he got me his family discount. I told him I owed him big time, and he said he'd collect later ;) I was sooooooooooooo happy he did that for me. So anyway, my sister and I just went to the Hard Rock on Friday night then watched a movie. Yesterday, my brother and sister in law picked up FBI and came out here so FBI could work on my door. Him and my brother worked on that then we all just stayed here last night, drank, and played card games. It was a lot of fun. So, after a while, everyone's drunk, and we all go to bed. Well, my little sister is sleeping in the living room and I'm having sex with FBI in my room when she knocks on my bedroom door. FBI was like, is she kidding me? haha! So I get dressed real quick and open the door and her and my brother are standing there and my sister goes, someone's trying to get in the apartment! I heard them try to open the door knob. I told her the door is just loose in the door frame so it jiggles sometimes when a car with bass drives, by, or the wind shakes it. She insisted someone was trying to get in, and they wanted me to get FBI to check it out. So I go back in my room and tell him, and he's like awww fuck! So he puts shorts on, gets his gun and goes to the door, looks out the peep hole... nothing. So he opens the door FBI style and points his gun down the stairs faster than I could blink. Can I tell you how fucking HOT that was??? I was like holy shit! Sure enough, nothing was there. So I tell my sister it's just the wind, and to relax, everything's fine. So everyone goes back to bed, and let me tell you... as soon as FBI closed my bedroom door behind him... he didn't have a prayer! haha! After seeing him do that, I was all over him! He was like whoa! Where did this come from? I was like dude, do you know how hot that was??? He just started laughing and said he was glad it turned me on. So we had sex for like an hour, then talked for a little while. I thanked him for everything he did for me, with the door and stuff. He said it was no problem, that he felt much better knowing I'm safer here. Then he was asking me again if I had thought about moving in with him. I told him it's a great offer, and said I would let him know. He's definitely a cuddler, I am too. But when I'm actually sleeping I kind of like my space, so I didn't hardly sleep with him holding me all night. I got tired of just laying there so at 6am I went down on him and woke him up, we had sex until like 7am, then went back to sleep again. We got up at like 9 and watched TV with everyone out in the living room, then they all left at like 12:30. That was about it for this weekend. I talked to Patterson a lot, I'm really interested to see where things could go with him. We'll see I guess. Anyway, it was a VERY good weekend, =) and I'm tired as hell so I'm going to try to take a nap. I'll try to remember to post tomorrow. Hasta!