Well, Birthday #25 has come and gone. It didn't start out good, actually it was pretty freakin crappy this morning. But I'll skip that part and get to the good part. Everybody I know had to either work, or had other things on their agenda, so I had to figure out something to do solo. I've been wanting to go to the shooting range for a while now so today was the perfect day to do that. At first I was kind of bummed about going by myself, but it turned out good because I met a really hot cop there. He helped me out a couple times when my gun jammed, and ended up asking asking me out. So, that made my birthday a little better. = ) Plus, my aim was on point today, so that's good too = ) I brought my target home to show my brother in law and he was impressed. After that I went to lunch with my mom, which was nice. She was actually normal for once! Then I hung out at my sister's and played my new Sims game on PS2 for a while until we went to my dad's for my birthday dinner. We had dinner there, I opened presents (I got a journal, new satin pajamas, a robe, some slippers, bubble bath, a purse, and some money), and we had cheesecake for dessert. Then we came home and watched SVU. So, I must say... all in all, it was a pretty good day. There were a few people that didn't call that I expected to, so I was kind of bummed about that, but oh well. My best friend that I've had since I was 7 sent me tulips, Cop and his little ones called and sang happy birthday first thing this morning, and of course phone calls from other friends, I talked to my brother Jeff and my younger sister Lynn like 4 or 5 times today, got a few e-cards, and of course the happy birthday wishes from you guys... so that all definitely made my day too. The one thing I thought was funny though is that this was the first day in at least a month that Mama's Boy didn't send one text message or call me once. I KNOW it's because I didn't call him on his birthday in October, so this was his way of getting even. I think it's funny. He's such an idiot. Well, time for bed. G'night!
Feliz Cumpleanos a mi!
As of midnight I am now 25 years old. My younger sister called me earlier, not to wish me a happy early birthday, but to ask if I enjoyed my last night of my early 20's, and welcome to my mid 20's. That little fucker. So, happy birthday to me. Well, obviously, I made the move to NM. I'm here at my sister's house, and already going a little crazy. Her house is like Grand Central Station, the traffic never stops. She has the kids, my parents, her in-laws, nieces and nephews, neighbors, deliveries, friends... oh my god, it never stops. I really don't know how she puts up with this every day and stays sane. It's only been 3 days and I'm ready to take a rifle to the top of a clock tower. There is NEVER peace and quiet here. Even at night the dog barks. Anyway, aside from that everything's ok. I'm just trying to adjust back to New Mexico living. It's like a whole 'nother world here. The people are so angry, and rude. Nobody smiles at you in public, much less says hi or anything semi-friendly. Everyone just honks their horn and wants to fight. It's just such a completely negative vibe. I haven't been doing a whole lot. I was trying to get someone to go out with me this weekend and nobody "felt" like it. So, that didn't happen. Being that it was the weekend to celebrate my birthday, I was pretty bummed. I did go to a baseball game. I went with my sister, brother (in law), niece and nephew,
Fireman, his 2 kids,
FBI, his
girlfriend, and another couple. So, yes, it definitely sucked sitting there at the baseball game watching FBI and his chick cuddle all night. To top it off, Fireman had a few too many beers and was on me like white on rice. He is SO annoying when he's drunk, so it wasn't attractive at all. FBI just kept looking at me weird like something was going on between Fireman and I, when he was really just drunk and acting retarded. Other than that I've just been playing with my niece and nephew mostly. They're so fun, they're at cool ages now where we can just hang out and have cool conversations, watch movies, play video games, stuff like that. So we've been having fun.
Mama's Boy has been blowing my phone up with text messages since I got here. He asks me what I'm doing and if I'm having a good day like 10 times a day. Today he actually called me to tell me he found a box of pictures of us, and so he was thinking about me and wanted to know if I wanted to come over and look at them. I told him I was busy, maybe some other time. I just don't want to walk into his trap. He knows I'm just kinda depressed and vulnerable right now, and he knows exactly what to say to make me melt like butta right into his hands. I know it, he knows it, and I don't want to do that. So i'm trying to keep my distance. But if nobody else starts wanting to go out, I know that's where I'm going to end up, hanging out with him. Dammit! I don't have any birthday plans yet, well... except my dad said he's going to make a family dinner, and told me to invite my mom. Great. I'd be happy if I just slept right through the whole day. It's my brother Jeff's birthday too. I was born on his 4th birthday, so he calls me his "almost twin". This is the first birthday we'll spend apart which, for me, really fuckin sucks. I know he can be a real bastard, but I love him to death and miss him so much already. Tomorrow is just really going to suck not being able to spend our birthday together. He's actually been calling me a lot, at least once or twice a day to see how I'm doing. He told my dad he really misses having me around, which of course made me feel good. Well, time for me to get some sleep. See ya!