Sex... love... uh oh's
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Oh yeah...
Last night was so fun! It was my brother Paul's birthday, and he wanted to go bowling. So, my brother Jeff, Paul, my sister in law, Paul's girlfriend, and I all went bowling. He turned 31, and I don't know what it is, but when we get together we revert to being like 5 years old again. He even got batman cake plates. It was hilarious! I haven't laughed as hard, or as much as I did last night in a very long time. My sister in law bumped into me and i accidentally knocked over a cup of soda, and Paul goes "You ruined my birthday party!" Totally like a little kid. He told Jeff he wasn't allowed to have a batman cake plate, and he demanded that everyone let him win at bowling. Jeff kept on telling everyone "This birthday party sucks, let's go guys!" Then it came time to open presents, I got him a tie rack, BUT it's only because he asked me specifically for one... I was like no, that's a sucky present, but he said he needed one, so he got it. Then he went to open my Jeff's present... the night before my sister in law, Jeff, and I all went shopping for Paul's present. We were at Macy's and Jeff decides he wants to get him a gag gift. Paul is really vain, totally into style, trends... all that stuff. So Jeff decides to get him the ugliest sweater he can find at Macy's. It really was the ugliest piece of crap I've ever seen. It was brown, orange, blue, yellow, red, green... in this horrible abstract design. We laughed so hard when he found it I thought we would both pee in our pants. So, when Paul opened it, he got it half way open and his face just went totally serious. He stared at it, then looked at Jeff, looked at the sweater again, then looked at Jeff again and goes "you fuckin asshole! Am i supposed to wipe my ass with this?" Oh my god, we were crying we laughed so hard, then Paul goes... "no but really, where's my real present you fucker?!" Jeff explained that he could take it back to Macy's and pick a shirt there for himself. That was pretty much it, then we had cake and went home.My dad's birthday was the day before Paul's, however... obviously since he lives in New Mexico we couldn't celebrate with him, but he was expecting to at least have dinner with my sister Serena, my brother (in law), and their kids. Come to find out, Serena said that my brother and nephew have wrestling practice and couldn't make it to dinner so she wanted to have dinner later in the week when everybody could be there. So, my dad threw himself a pity party and made sure that both my brothers and I knew that Serena didn't see him on his birthday even though she only lives a block away from him. So he said he just picked up a hamburger by himself, did some christmas shopping alone, and baked himself a cake. I did feel bad for him, but the guy plays the victim role like no other. Jeff was pissed at Serena, so he decided to fly my dad out here this weekend to celebrate his birthday. Serena found out and was pissed because she said my dad made the whole situation out to be something it wasn't. So, my dad will be here this weekend, for two very, very long days.
I feel like crap today! Physically I mean, I'm doing just fine in my crazy head. This week has been good to me as far as that goes. I took Jamie's advice to "Fight", and believe me Jamie... I will win! I've been getting up early every day, getting ready, putting real clothes on, not sweats, and it definitely helps. Today though... well, i'll spare the details for you squeamish readers, but I didn't feel too good at all. I had an interview this morning and 10, so I got there at like 9:45, then the guy that interviewed me was a half hour late. Figures! It went really well, I think. My only downfall is that I can't speak spanish fluently. I have spanglish down to an artform, but that's about it. He said that he's "impressed" and my "attitude and experience intrigue" him. So I took that as a fairly good sign, and I'm crossing my fingers... and my toes, and my eyes, and everything else that can be crossed. haha! Then I came home feeling like crap and was trying to figure out what I could do to keep myself off the couch... so I check my e-mail and Army e-mailed me! That ALWAYS puts a smile on my face. So, of course my day got 150% better after that. He said that he is back in the states on leave for Christmas, then goes back to Iraq December 30th until sometime in February, then he goes back to Germany where he's stationed. I was so excited to hear that he's home for Christmas, not because I get to see him (I don't, he lives in Washington), but because I'm happy knowing he's safe and with family for the holiday. Here are some pieces of his e-mail:Ok i know your busy and have other more interesting things to do than play internet tag with me but i was thinkin of you and just wanted to write to you. Actually i just got home on R&R and was about to go to bed when i saw some old letters you sent me in bootcamp that i had my mom put on my bed till i had a chance to come back home and organize everything and i re-read a Christmas card you sent me and that prompted me to go back down stairs and to sign on real quick to write you.
I hate that we have such a difficult time gettin together face to face. But when the time and opportunity arise, and if you're still interested then I'll find us a way to get together. Hey, be real with me...
Promise. . . . . . .?
Do you ever get tired of writing back and forth all the time and not been able to kick it once since we met? It's just something i needed to know. I know i'm kind of babbling on but your like my soulmate and a best friend to me so i feel comfortable just rambling to you.
How sweet is he? He's the most genuine person I've ever known. Anyway... just thought I'd share the reason why my day ended up being good. Goodnight!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Thank you!
I want to thank all of you for your support, and advice. I was telling Matt yesterday that it's crazy how when I feel depressed, it feels like I'm the only person that's ever felt that bad, and nobody could possibly know how I'm feeling. I couldn't be more wrong. All of your comments, advice, and experience really helps a lot. So thank you, again. = )Yesterday I just looked for a job all day, then I decided to pry myself out of the house so I got ready and left. I didn't really know where I was going but I just needed to get out. When I got home my brother was really happy to see that I was out, and asked if I wanted to go shopping with them. It was a lot fun, and I got my other brother (who's birthday is today) his birthday present. We came home at about 10, I played with the dog a little then went to bed. I had a dream last night that my sister in law, me, and random "dream" people took a sailboat to this island at night and decided to do a seance, then my sister in law got posessed, so I got all the crosses I could find on the island (what island has random crosses laying around?), and everybody took one and prayed then we left on the sailboat. Then the sailboat took us in a circle right back to the haunted island. I was like "Son of a...! What's the point of a sailboat if you can't f*ckin control where it goes?" I woke up so scared, it was actually pretty funny.
I talked to my friend "Hawaii" and her fiance "GQ" (the one I talked about in my post about last new year's) last night to tell them when I'd be in town for the holidays. Hawaii goes "uh oh... you're going to be here for new year's? HAHAHAHA!" I told her that I'm not drinking half as much as I did last year, and GQ was like "Not if I have any say in it!" They said they have a party for us to go to this year, but like I said... I'd kind of like to spend it with Mama's boy. I remember the last New Year's Eve we spent together was 2002, and we watched the movie Pearl Harbor with his parents. Hence the name "Mama's Boy". Anyway, we were on one of our breaks at the time, so midnight came along and it was totally awkward because we didn't kiss. It was horrible. We loved eachother so much, but knew we couldn't be together even though it hurt like hell. I went in his room because I didn't want to cry in front of him or his parents, then he came in and hugged me for a long time. After that, I left and went back to my sister's house because she was having a party. By that time, everyone was completely drunk... including fireman. I took some shots with my sister, and ended up hooking up with fireman that night. The next day Mama's Boy called me and said he thinks we should get back together. That lasted another couple months. So here we are, 3 years later wondering the same thing all over again. Ai ai ai!