Sunday, May 24, 2009

Permanent Headache

I just posted this on

"I have literally had a headache 24 hours a day for close to two weeks. It does not ever go away, nothing helps, it just hurts, all...the...time. It's changing who I am and I hate it. Nothing means more to me than the time I get with my 14 mo old Baby and I can't even play with him. I convinced my boyfriend to call in to work yesterday so he could help me with our DS, and tonight he had to work and I was miserable and let poor Baby watch Noggin all night. This headache is making me a bad Mom. (Don't get me wrong, he was fed, changed, and taken care of, he just didn't get the attention he deserves) I need help. Oh yeah, I don't have medical insurance. God, help me."

Sorry I haven't written in a few days, this is why. I took on another job, it's kind of a stupid one, so I'm just trying it out. But I think it's just stressing me out more. Maybe these are stress headaches, I don't know. It moves around my head all day and night. It makes my neck, back, and entire body hurt, and it makes me nauseas. I have taken more excedrine, sudafed, and ibuprofin than any human being should, and still, nothing. There is no relief. I've tried hot baths, & showers, OTC medication, drinking water, drinking caffeinated soda, I've tried ignoring it, I've tried relaxing in a dark quiet room, you name it, I've tried it. So, I guess I just have to suffer.

On a lighter note, My Love just had 3 days off and I enjoyed having him home all that time SO much! We finished planting our rose bushes, we shopped, watched movies, went out to eat, just spend good quality family time together with Baby and I loved every minute of it. I loved it so much I convinced him to call in yesterday. What can I say? When it's good, it's really good! *Knock on wood*!!!! G'night.


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