Still Sick
I don't know what I have, but I'm over it. Not over it as in, I'm feeling better, but over it as in I'm ready for it to be gone. This sucks! I can't eat or drink anything. So, I've been sitting here for the last 2 days watching a lot of TV and sleeping a lot. I didn't get any packing done this weekend which means I have to do it all after work this week. I hardly talked to Patterson at all this weekend. He called tonight and said he when he gets paid this week he's going to take his car to get fixed, then get his work schedule and if he doesn't work he'll come up here. I told him I won't hold my breath. He was like "why do you say that?" He's not the sharpest pencil in the box (there's a new one for you Anna). I told him that I don't feel well and don't want to get into it, so just drop it. Well, it's cold over here, so I'm going back to my cozy couch. Buenos noches!
Hmmm.. I know somebody else who feels the exact same way...........
am i the only person who thinks that maybe he should come up to see you if you're not feeling well? men are idiots. i'm not turning into one of those femme-nazi types, but i'm starting to realize exactly how inconsiderate guys are sometimes. if you care about someone, you should be there when they don't feel well... at least i think so. maybe i'm too much of an idealist.
get well soon!!! being sick is no fun. luckily (knock on wood!) i've managed to avoid getting a cold so far this semester. i hope you feel better so you can start doing some of your packing! do you have a lot of junk? i don't feel like i do but when i moved i was amazed by how many trips i ended up taking. i guess even not a lot of junk still somehow ends up being a lot of junk... :)
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