Friday, October 15, 2004

My Day

I got about half way through writing a post about how much I hate the place I work, and how worthless everybody here is, and how bad my morning is, but I realized it was just putting myself in a worse mood, so I nixed it. I got through most of the disasters this morning, so hopefully the day will get better from here.

I'm going this afternoon to stay with Patterson for the weekend, so I'm looking forward to seeing him. I'll meet his family too, which should be interesting based on all the things he says about them. I'll let you know how it goes. Nothing really new with him, except for the fact that he has made an effort to call me back when he says he will, which is awesome. I told him last night how much I appreciate it. Last night he said he wanted to ask me something, but felt weird about it. So after a long time of him saying he didn't know how to ask me he finally asked me if I like going down on him. I told him I like doing it because I know he enjoys it, but if he's asking if it brings me any kind of pleasure, it doesn't. Then I asked why he asked me that. He said "well, it's just because you've only done it like a couple times... so I was just just wondering." Wait, wait wait... WHAAAAAAAAAAAT????? A couple times?? I was like "are you kidding me? I mean seriously, is this a joke? I've done it dozens of times, what are you talking about?" He goes "Well, yeah, I know... but sex always follows when you do it. You never really do it just to do it." Oh my god. Shut up. That is the stupidiest thing I've ever heard to complain about. What a fuckin problem to have! Jesus. I just told him, "Well, yeah. Usually that's how it works. Tell me one time that you've done it for me, then stopped got up and let me go about my day. Never. So I don't really understand the problem. But, now that you've brought it up, I'll keep it in mind." Ai ai ai.

I move 2 weeks from tomorrow. I'm excited, but trying to get everything done is a pain in the ass. I haven't started packing yet, which is going to be the hardest task for me because I HATE packing. My Aunt e-mailed me the other day to tell me she's giving me $1000 to help me move! I was speechless! Nobody has ever helped me like that, especially not to that extent. My parents were always all about us earning things and doing everything for ourselves, so I've never ever gotten a hand out from them, or anyone else. My Aunt says she's so proud of the woman I've become, and knows I'll never ask anyone for help so wants to offer any help she can. How sweet is that? She's awesome, a little crazy at times, but the most generous person I know. The girl I was thinking of living with is a flake, so I dropped that idea. I'm going to stay with my brother for about a month until I get settled in a job so I can get an apartment. He's trying to convince me to stay through the holidays, but we'll see how the job hunt goes. I guess that's about it for now. Have a good weekend!


At 1:58 PM , Blogger EIizabeth said...


Thanks again for the advice. I really have no expectations for this weekend at all. I'm really just going to show him that I'm making an effort. I'll let you know how it goes though.


Awwww my 4th protective older brother, that's awesome. Not that the 3 I have now aren't doing a great job at being over-protective (i'll have to tell you the story about that sometime), but a 4th could never hurt. That is exactly why I'm a little apprehensive about him meeting my brothers, which is going to happen sooner than I probably would've liked because 2 of them are coming to help me move, and of course, so is Patterson. Pray for me... actually, not for me, for Patterson. Pobrecito.

Miss P,

We've been together like a month and a half or something. Not very long at all. I'm weird about meeting the family thing too, that's why I haven't done it yet. There was a close call, but it didn't happen. But, like I said, next weekend it is. Ai ai ai. And I would so love to go clothes shopping with you with this money, but unfortunately u-haul is going to bend me over and take it! Damn them!



At 2:06 PM , Blogger EIizabeth said...


I forgot to answer your question. Right now he lives in Modesto, and I live in Sacramento, but I'm moving to San Jose. San Jose is actually a little bit closer to Modesto, not much, but a little. So it won't really change anything for us.

At 4:27 PM , Blogger Ms. K said...

first i'd like to say, elizabeth, i hope you have a great time this weekend!!! i got your IM message and i hope we can actually talk on there sometime! :)

secondly, i'd like to comment on the pleasure associated with giving head. i used to hate doing it. i really, really hated it. and i pretty much stopped doing it because i hated it so much. but then i met someone who really made me want to do it. i know it sounds really weird, but we talked about it plenty of times before i actually did it and he totally made it something that i wanted to do and he actually managed to make it a turn on for me. i can't really explain it, but we had phone sex many times before i ever gave him head and the way he talked about it on the phone was never the typical derogatory "suck my cock, bitch" type stuff that i usually think of. it was very... sensual, i guess. well, anyway, when i finally gave him a blow job, it was fun and it was actually pretty good and the more we talked about it after that and the more i wanted him, the more fun the blow job itself became.

and now i actually really enjoy giving blow jobs because i like pleasing my partner and because now i, too, get turned on by it.

so the moral of the story? serg, perhaps you should talk about the pleasure that it gives you in a slightly different context. make your girl WANT to give you a blow job. talk about things like playing with her hair and moving out of the way while she's down there and... i don't know... just make it fun. my dude did and i'm sure that every other guy i've given a blow job to since then has been very grateful! :)

At 6:35 AM , Blogger J said...



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