Friday, October 08, 2004


51. I currently have 3 jobs
52. I hate all of them
53. My first job was at a book/music/video/software store
54. I was a horrible cashier
55. I worked for a year on the surgical unit at a hospital
56. I was a nursing assistant
57. I loved it
58. That has been the only job I've loved so far
59. I want to get into Social Work
60. I want to help kids
61. I want to have a bunch of kids of my own
62. Hopefully 3 or 4
63. I loved having a big family
64. I was a total tomboy growing up
65. I was jealous that my brothers could pee outside in the bushes
66. When I was 4, I was determined to pee standing up like them
67. I made lots of messes
68. My mom had to teach me "how girls pee"
69. My brothers used to beat the crap out of me
70. I can definitely hold my own in a fight now
71. I'm still a tomboy deep down
72. I'm 5'3
73. I have big blue eyes
74. People always ask if I wear contacts
75. I don't


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