Monday, October 04, 2004

Advice from First

I am not taking Patterson's side at all in this, I mean it is pretty messed up on him, however that is a hard pill to swallow for a guy. I mean I know its hard for a woman actually probably 100 times harder for a woman and I am in no position to say how a woman feels, however I have been in that situation and I will tell you its hard. Its hard for us guys, we aren't use to this many emotions. guys (well most guys) don't get emotions, we use emotions to get stuff. we are taught differently than girls when it comes to emotions. guys just aren't suppose to get emotional. however when a situation like this happens every single emotion possible that you can have we get in a matter for seconds and it feels like its forever. you sad, your confused, your mad, you want to cry, you want to celebrate, you want to smile, you want to punch someone, you want to curse god, you want to thank god I mean all of these emotions back to back fast. so when people call or tell someone we don't think rational. cause we are so confused. again not backing up Patterson at all, but I do understand. You don't know how to react and your first reaction is just one of the emotions you are going through. it takes a few seconds for reality to actually sink in.


At 3:25 PM , Blogger J said...

T-Shirts that I've seen in the past:
Make Love Not War.
Keep on Truckin'
I'm with stupid
Die Yuppie Scum
I do my own stunts

The one I'm going to make this week:
F Patterson.

Like it?

Let me tell you a little story. The Ex was admitted into the ER one day for a severe stomach ailment. I didn't know about it til I went to her work (dry cleaners) to keep her company as I usually did because she worked nights. I found a note on the door that said something like closed for emergency.
I didn't think. I didnt question. I didn't reason. I made it to the hospital in 5 minutes thru traffic. It was 6 miles away.
Later on my then mother-in-law told me that they heard me running into the hospital and thru the ER til I found them. Despite everyone telling me "Sir! You can't go in there!"
Ya see Elizabeth, there are some things that you just do. Even if he pays for it from now til doomsday...there are some things that YOU JUST DO.
Look, I don't know the guy. I don't care about the guy. I know you from here and you seem like a very sweet person who just wants to find someone who makes her feel wonderful and respected. For someone like that, there are some things that you just do.
I respect any decision that you make. Just don't put yourself in a bad spot...that's all I'm sayin'.

At 5:18 AM , Blogger J said...

I know. I've lived a whole life like that. I only learn from mistakes. But, when she does start the self-learning process she'll have our words in the back of her mind to look back on and say "Oh yeah...somebody told me about this. I don't feel quite so alone now."
But..your absolutely right P.


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