Thursday, October 07, 2004


Since I have nothing exciting to post, I decided to follow the trend and start my "100 Things About Me" list... so here goes 1-25
1. I'm 24
2. I'm Mexican/white
3. I was born on my brother’s 4th birthday
4. I have 3 older brothers (one is a brother in law that I consider a real brother)
5. I have 2 sisters, one older one younger, and a sister in law
6. I have one niece and one nephew
7. My parents were married for 35 years
8. My mom left my dad for another man a week before their 35th anniversary
9. My dad still isn’t over it
10. The other man is 20 years younger (my sister’s age)
11. I hate him.
12. They live together now, but my mom needs “space", so she’s getting her own place
13. I’m originally from New Mexico
14. I live in Sacramento now
15. My apartment is in the ghetto
16. Cops have pulled me over on my street to ask if I was lost, more than once.
17. Someone tried to kick my door in at 2am one night
18. I keep my best friend’s gun with me for safety
19. I’m moving to San Jose in a few weeks
20. I have to give the gun back when I move
21. I have a tattoo of a fairy on my lower back
22. I have my belly button pierced
23. I have my nose pierced with a tiny diamond stud
24. I recently went from blonde to brunette for the first time
25. My family hates it


At 11:26 AM , Blogger J said...

New Mexico. I drove to Taos a couple years ago. I love it there. have a strippers license plate,eh?
Mexican/white, you say? Wow. I had you all pictured all wrong.
And I thought you were a little older.
Damn internet!
I feel better now knowing more about my friend.

At 8:52 PM , Blogger Bent Fabric said...

I've often thought of getting my nose pierced but, alas, I'm too much of a chicken shit.


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