Friday, October 29, 2004

Q & A

In light of Jamie's post, here are my answers...

What is your plan? I don't have one right now. To be honest, right now (as in this weekend), I'm not thinking about him or our relationship. I'm concentrating on getting my apartment packed, cleaned, and getting to San Jose. Anything else is not getting dealt with until I'm settled over there.
Do you have anything figured out with this Patty issue? Nothing set in stone, no. One minute I want to drop him on his ass with no mercy and hope he breaks his tailbone, but the next I want to talk to him and be like WAKE UP! don't throw a good thing away on a fuckin video game!
Where is this going? I had really high hopes on where this was going, I really did. Now, I really don't know.
Why do you continue this sharade? I continue it because I do genuinely care about him, and I know he cares about me. But, all jokes aside, (and i'm not making excuses for him), he has a serious addiction for this game. Like a drug. I think though, that once he starts his job, and has to be out in the world again, things will change once he starts spending more time away from it.
This is benefiting you how? Right now? It's not benefiting me at all.
Is it just because tubby over there is pretty good in bed? No, that's not the only reason. I can't say it's not a piece of it, but it's not the entire reason.
Does this situation help to fullfil your life in some way? That's the thing, in the beginning, it did. And I guess I'm afraid to let that go, even though the reality is it's prettu much gone. I want it back!
Where do you see the future of this? I have no idea.


At 9:22 AM , Blogger J said...

Here's my answer.
Tell me what you think.
A: Because it's all you've got going right now.

Now that's not a slam. It's kinda like eating peanut butter and jelly sammiches. Sure, there's a steak joint down the street that serves an ass kicking 22oz porterhouse.....but all you can get to right now is peanut butter and jelly. Patty seems to be doing...eating 30 peanut butter and jellies.

At 12:36 PM , Blogger J said...

You may be right. But whatever the reason, be it youth, ignorance, video game addictions... he's still wasting her time and she is just eatin peanut butter & you not agree?

At 4:25 PM , Blogger Ms. K said...

i think opaco's right, but you're all right. he's young and he probably doesn't really know what he wants. he probably likes elizabeth a lot but can't really act on his feelings all the time because a part of him probably doesn't want to settle down.

and that sucks because sometimes liking someone (or even loving someone) isn't enough. you'll figure out sooner or later if you're wasting your time or not. maybe things will work out. don't worry about it too much right now. worry about your move and enjoying your last weekend in sacramento.

At 6:53 AM , Blogger Frederick Tomas said...

Jamie, I totally agree with you on the peanut butter and jelly. (digression: mmm, it's been a while since I've had peanut butter and jelly...)

It does seem that Patterson is young, and, because of it, immature. I really don't like the sound of his Everqueer playing, because I think it's just too much. It would be okay (sorta kinda) if he weren't in a relationship, but since he is, I think he should be putting more effort into it. Elizabeth is, and a relationship has to be relatively an equal effort, shouldn't it?

Still, Elizabeth, since you're moving to San Jose, I guess it'll be a real test whether he's willing to go (literally) the extra mile.


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