Thursday, October 28, 2004

Day of the Exes

I don't know how much more weird this day could possibly be. You all know how fed up I am with Patterson, his addiction to Everqueer, and his excuses why he can't come see me when reality it's really because he can't pull himself away from his stupid game. This is no news to you guys. So, yesterday he called me in the afternoon, I told him how I had just once again lost the battle with my stomach to keep my lunch down, of course I really didn't get much of a reaction out of him, much like the rest of the past week I've been sick. He says he has to go help his Grandpa, but he'll call me right back. Riiiiiiiiiight. So, I decided I wouldn't call him, and as long as he didn't call me is as long as we wouldn't talk. Well, tonight at 7pm he calls me. A day and a half later. He was like "Hi babe!" All happy, which just pissed me off even more, so I decided to go into bitch mode, just because I can. He expects me to be so excited to hear from him just because he decides to pick up the phone. So he says he has good and bad news, he can't come this weekend, but it's because he got the job he interviewed for and has to work Friday and Saturday. I wasn't disappointed in the least, because I never expected him to come. He expected a big Congratulations, which he didn't get from me. He said since I won't have a job right away, he thought maybe I could go to see him again. Yeah fuckin right. Don't underestimate my "bitch mode", it is nothing to fuck with. While we're on the phone, I had about 20% of his attention, he talked to his family about 30%, and played Everqueer about 50%. I get irritated with just listening to his clicking of the keyboard and hang up on him. Which I thought was pretty funny once I did it. He calls me back a half fuckin hour later and never said a word about it. He told me I'm more than welcome to share his storage unit with him so I don't have to get one, that he has plenty of room in his. Then he starts saying how once he gets settled in his job he's going to get his own apartment, and thought that if I wasn't happy in San Jose, or can't find work very easily, if I'd like to move in with him. Ok, whoa whoa whoa, wait... WHAT?!?!?! What the FUCK did you just say? I didn't even respond. Shortly after that Mama's Boy calls on the other line. Mama's Boy is my ex boyfriend of 2 years from New Mexico, who is trying in every way possible to get back together. So, I tell Patterson I have another call, that I would call him back *wink wink* and get off the phone. Mama's Boy didn't really have anything new to say, same old stuff about trying to get back together. He tells me "You know neither of us is going to be happy until we're back together. I want the whole package with you, marriage, kids, growing old and sitting in rocking chairs in 50 years, all that." Nothing I haven't heard from him before. Then! When I'm on the line with him, Marine calls! However, I didn't know it was him because he had a new number, so I click over and he sounded just like FBI! It went something like this:
Marine: "Elizabeth?"
Me: "FBI?"
Marine: "What? No. Do you know who this is?"
Me: "Of course I do... Marine! How are you?"
Marine: "I'm good thanks! I was just thinkin about you."

So the conversation picked up from there and it was really good. We only talked for like 10 minutes, but it was nice. He found out I'm moving to San Jose from a mutual friend and said he hoped we could hang out. Hmmmm... weird. He said he would call me next week to see how everything was going, and maybe hang out or do something. I'm not sure what that was all about. Just a few minutes ago, Patterson called again but I didn't answer it so he left a message saying how he's thinking of me and was really hoping to talk to me. He said he misses me so much, and wants to see me so bad that he considered saying fuck the job and coming up here this weekend, but he really needs the job so he can't do that, but he knows he'll see me soon somehow, and he loves me very much. Blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Nitey night.


At 5:26 AM , Blogger J said...

What are you doing?
No...really.. I'm not even kidding anymore. I'm dropping the usual clown mask and asking "what are you doing?"
What is your plan?
Do you have anything figured out with this Patty issue?
Where is this going?
Why do you continue this sharade?
This is benefiting you how?
Is it just because tubby over there is pretty good in bed?
Does this situation help to fullfil your life in some way?
Where do you see the future of this?
Please try to answer those questions as honestly as possibly. Take them one at a time please.
Then I'll put the clown mask back on.

At 8:56 AM , Blogger J said...

BTW, I already know the correct answer. But I'd like to see what you say. Email it if it's more comfortable.

At 4:29 PM , Blogger Ms. K said...

he reminds me way too much of people i've dated in the past. and probably some of the idiots i'll date in the future....

At 1:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


why are you playing around with so many hearts?


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