I hate that word more than any other word in the english language. It is the worst word to say, nothing hurts more than saying goodbye. I hate endings. I know you can't have new beginnings without endings, but I still hate them. No, just so you know, I'm not saying goodbye to my blog or to any of you. In fact, because of my phobia of that stupid word, I'll probably never end my blog. I'll be 80 years old on here bitching about my Fixadent or leaky Depends. I can't even think about saying Goodbye to anyone without crying. Case in point, the other day on the way home from work I started thinking about having to say the g-word to my brothers when I move back to NM and started crying immediately. I know I complain about them (well, one more than the other) a lot, but they're my brothers. They're supposed to be jerks and piss me off. But at the end of the day I would die for either one of them in a heartbeat, and I know they'd do the same for me. I started thinking about this g-word stuff when I read Jamie's post about people being over blogging and ending their blogs. I hate that too (just so all of you know), people that end their blogs suck. It's like a book with no ending, it's like a friend dying, or a really good movie that sucks you in only to spit you out with no real conclusion because you know the movie is still playing only it's not playing in a theater near you anymore. So, after reading Jamie's blog I kind of wanted to post something myself, but was kinda bummed out and didn't really know what to write so I decided to watch the new episode of the Real World that I Tivo'd tonight. Really fuckin smart Elizabeth! It was the god damn season finale! The "Goodbye" episode! Son of a...! I go through this every single season. I'm the biggest Real World junkie ever, and the season finale brings me a few things... red, swollen eyes and the sniffles. Yes, I cry my fuckin eyes out every single time. And tonight was no exception. I HATE the season finale! Why do you I watch it you ask? Because it's closure for the season. Yes, I even need closure with my reality TV. Talk all the shit you want, but it's a fact. So, of course, I bawled my eyes out as Landon and Shavonda had to go their separate ways, and when MJ opened up to Willie, and of course when Sarah cried her pretty little bulemic eyes out, and not having Karamo as some sweet (but gay) eye candy anymore didn't help the situation. But, let me tell you what bothered me the most about this season's finale. There was no preview to the reunion show! Um... HELLO! I need the reunion show. I need to see that they've moved on with their lives and that they're not all distraught like the last segment of the episode shows. I need to see that they are all living normal lives, and that they now play phone tag with eachother. Sure, I can see a couple of them on the Inferno 2, but that's not good enough god dammit! So, Mr. (or Ms.) MTV if you're reading this... set up the reunion show STAT! Karamo, Willie, Landon, Shavonda, Sarah, MJ, and Melanie... this one goes out to you! I'll pour a 40 to your memory... (until the reunion show)
Well, now that I've got that off my chest, I'm spent! Good....night! (You thought I was going to say the other word didn't you? Didn't you pay attention to anything I just said??? Geez!)
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