Wow, I just noticed I've had just over 10,000 hits. I know I've said this before, but it's so weird how you can think your life is so boring, but there are people out there who have clicked the link to read about it over 10,000 times. Crazy.Anyway... not much new to report right now. The temp job I was at ended on Monday so, I was stressed about that during the whole disaster with my dad, but then on Wednesday when I finally went to the interview for a new temp job the lady from the agency called and said that the old job wants me back so I have my choice between the old one and the new one I just interviewed for. After a couple days of thinking I decided to go back to the old one because it's absolutely 100% stress free. I put in my 8 hours, and go home. The other job would be dealing with a lot of complaints and people yelling, no thanks. I definitely don't have the patience to deal with that right now and would end up telling someone to fuck themselves. So, I'm back at my old job again on Monday.
My dad is doing much better now. He is still driving me crazy, and the weird part is that I don't even know why. He hasn't done anything that especially gets on my nerves. He hasn't been grumpy, or unpleasant. He hasn't invaded my space. I don't know what it is. I think it's just a lot of built up issues that I have with him that is why I can't deal with him. I need to get this sh!t under control. I'm the same way with my mom. I can't stand being around either one of them, I just shut down and get totally depressed. I actually feel really bad because my dad has really been very nice this week since he got out of the hospital. Yesterday morning he brought me breakfast in bed, today he took me out to breakfast. The only thing I can think of that really bothers me when I spend time with him are the bad habits he has that are slowly killing him. He knows they're killing him and he still won't stop. So I feel like he's extremely selfish, and that his soda and cigarettes are more important to him than walking me down the aisle one day, and being there to see my children. I don't want to talk any more about this right now, but it definitely needs to be dealt with soon.
Chester has been really sweet this week. He's been totally supportive about everything with my dad, and just has been great all around. He sent me this cool picture of him in his last football game. He's the one about to make the pass.

He did say something really out of character for him yesterday. We were text messaging back and forth and he was asking me exactly when I'm moving back, and stuff like that so I was like "We'll see if you can pencil me into your busy schedule." I say this because he's always got something to do. Whether it's work, time with his daughters, basketball games, football games, practice, it's always something. He replied with "You'll be part of my busy schedule." Like I've said several times before, I'm not getting my hopes up about anything when it comes to him, but it was definitely interesting to hear that coming from him. He's definitely not one to say something like that just for the sweet talk factor, he does his share of sweet talk to an extent, he never talks about anything he doesn't anticipate doing. If nothing else, it put a smile on my face that day.
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