Wednesday, March 02, 2005

And the week just gets better

In my last post I covered my piss ass weekend, well... the that was just a preview of the days to come. Monday was my last day at the temp job I was at. So I was busy as hell trying to tie up loose ends so the girl I replaced wouldn't be totally fucked when she got back. At about 4:30 my mom calls me from NM and tells me that my dad (who's still in town) called her because he was so sick and didn't know what was wrong with him, so my mom calls me to tell me I need to take him to the ER as soon as I get out of work. So, I got home at about 5:30, my dad met me outside and we got to the ER at about 5:45. I had an interview scheduled through the temp agency for 8am on Tuesday morning so I figured we'd be in the ER until at least 11pm or midnight, and knew I would be a little tired the next day. Boy, was I wrong. My brother Paul and his girlfriend showed up at about 7pm, after they went out to dinner. My brother Jeff showed up around 7:30 after he went home to eat and change his clothes after work. I was a little irritated that they were both able to take their sweet time, get dinner, get comfortable while I was catering to my dad's every need. At about 9:30 Jeff said he had to go home to send a quick e-mail and he would be back, obviously I knew he wouldn't. Sure enough he called from home to give my brother the play by play of a basketball game he was watching, then called me and said he was going to go to bed and said he would leave the door unlocked for when I bring my dad home. Stupid mother fucker. Paul and his girlfriend were pissed that Jeff snuck out like that, and I knew they wanted to leave too. So, at about 11pm Paul says "Hey, we should really probably go. We have to get up early for work." Hmm. That's nice. Good thing I don't have to get up at 6am for a fucking interview tomorrow you stupid fucks!!! Then they left. So, there we are, my dad and I. 5 hours later and still sitting in the ER waiting room, I had no dinner, and was still in my work clothes. At 12:30 am they finally called my dad back. He kept yelling at the staff that he needs his pain medication, and treating them like shit so I was trying to be extra nice to them to make up for it. They gave him his IV, drugged him up, did some xrays and found the kidney stones that my dad had, so the Dr. wanted to get a better look at them with a CT scan. At about 4am the nurse told me "You know he's getting admitted right?" I was like what?? Why? He said we would have to wait to talk to the Dr. later that morning. Great. You've been so helpful, you stupid fuck! Can you at least tell me that it's not critical, or something semi-comforting??? Well, they finally got him in a room upstairs at 6:30am. I sat with the nurse and went over his medical history, medications, all the stuff they need to know and by that time it was about 7:15am. Oh fuck! I have an interview in 45 minutes! But wait, I haven't been to sleep, or even home in over 24 hours, I still have my work clothes on from the day before, and I don't even know where the interview is! Guess I have to cancel. So I cancel that, and thought about going home to get a couple hours of sleep but wanted to be there for when the Dr. makes his rounds so I could hear what he had to say. So, I sat and watched my dad sleep. Jeff called at about 7:30 and was like "What the fuck? Where are you?" Very calmly I said "We're in the hospital. Dad was admitted about an hour ago." He goes "Holy fuck! You're still there??? You haven't been to sleep yet??? What's wrong with dad???" What I wanted to say "Why don't you go to hell you selfish stupid fuck!!!" What I did say: "Yup, still here. I'm not sure what's wrong yet, I haven't seent he Dr since after the xray, then they did a CT scan and admitted him so now I'm waiting for the Dr. to come to find out what's up." So he says he'll call me right back. At about 8:30 he calls and says "Do you want me to bring you breakfast? Pick you up and take you to breakfast? Or do you want to go to the hospital cafeteria?" I was starving because I hadn't had anything since lunch the day before, so breakfast sounded great. I told him we could go to the cafeteria to make it fast. He got there around 9am and the Dr. still hadn't been up so I gave the nurse my brother's cell # so he could call if the Dr came. We ate real fast, came back up, and still no Dr. At about 11am, I felt really gross and at least wanted to change my clothes, so I told my brother that I was going to run home really fast just to change and that I would be right back. He wanted to leave to, and I told him no I needed him to stay in case the Dr came so he could hear what he has to say. He was not happy. I left and was back at the hospital with in 20 minutes in fresh clothes, but couldn't find a parking spot to save my life. I circled the stupid lot for 30 minutes and couldn't find anything. I had been awake for about 30 hours at that point and was starting to feel totally disoriented, and totally on edge when my brother called and told me to go home and get some sleep, that there was no reason I had to stay with my dad. I told him I'm not going home until I talk to the Dr, that I didn't sit with him for 18 hours just to go home now right before we find out what's wrong. He yelled at me that I'm acting like my dad's dying and that I'm bringing way too much drama to the situation, I said if he wanted to go home that's fine but don't fuckin tell me what to do and hung up. About 10 minutes later, I was still circling the parking lot when Jeff called back to tell me he had left and the nurse called him right after that to relay what the Dr. said. My dad needed surgery on his kidney. As soon as he said that I burst into tears. I was just way too exhausted, stressed out, frustrated and couldn't handle it. Jeff was like "Why the fuck are you crying??? He's not going to die!" I told him I know that, but I'm just very tired and now worried. He goes "That's it. Go home and go to bed, now! I'm not asking you, I'm telling you." So I hung up on him, but decided I'd rather go and sleep a little so I could be up and back to the hospital before my dad had his surgery. I woke up 6 hours later, freaked out and rushed back to the hospital to find both of my brothers waiting in the waiting room. The Dr. came out about 30 minutes later and said everything went very well and we could go in shortly. What a relief! They kept him over night, so we went home, got a good night's sleep and I went back this morning to sit with him again. The Dr. came in around 9am and told him he's free to go home. He's doing much, much better now and is driving me absolutely crazy! I'm SO ready for him to go home. I've definitely spent well over my share of time with his grumpy ass, and now that he's well he decided to stay 4 more fuckin days and wants to hang out. I love him because he's my dad, but I swear to god I'm going to end up killing him before the week is up. I had the interview this afternoon that I had to reschedule and it went really well. It turns out the place I was working for until Monday called and said they want me back. So if I get offered the job I interviewed for today I'll have the choice of the two. They both want me to start next week. I never thought I'd say this, but I wish one of them wanted me to start tomorrow so I wouldn't have to spend the next 2 days alone with my dad expecting me to be at his beckon call. I've done that for the last 5 days and I'm over it!

I talked to Chester several times yesterday when all the hospital stuff was going on. He was really sweet to listen to me vent and cry, and he was actually really comforting. He kept calling to tell me to go home and get some sleep, and when I finally called to tell him I was home but now I couldn't sleep he told me to lie down and shut my eyes, then described a nice long dream for me to have which totally relaxed me, and I passed out!

Today was Cop's birthday. I sent him a Happy Birthday text message this morning on my way to the hospital and intended on calling him tonight but I completely forgot. Woops! I'm sure he'll understand. I'll call him tomorrow.

P.S. I've lived in California exactly two years today. Yay!


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