Top 5 reasons why my weekend sucked...
1.) I got home from work on Friday with a pounding headache to a filthy house. All I wanted to do was take some Advil and lie down when my brother called and said that my dad would be here shortly and I needed to clean the house since nobody else was there to do it. So instead of lying down I had to spend the next 2 1/2 hours cleaning before my dad got home. It turns out cleaning is NOT a cure for a headache, in case any of you were wondering. My brother and his wife came home to a sparkling clean house and never said thank you or even acknowledged it.2.) Once my dad got in on Friday night, my other brother and his girlfriend were already here and everyone was hungry so we went out to eat. During dinner my dad was talking about the job he had just interviewed for in Fresno and is very confident that they will make him an offer, and thinks he will move to Fresno in April. (Keep in mind I had intentionally not told either of my parents that I am moving back to NM because I don't want them to start bugging me to move in with either of them) While he's talking about moving, my brother's big mouth girlfriend says "Wow, so you and Elizabeth will be trading places in April!" My dad looked at me with big eyes and asked me what she's talking about. She then realized she fucked up and was silently mouthing to me how sorry she is. So I told my dad my plans, and now (of course) he won't stop bugging me to move with him to Fresno so I can live with him and go to school there. I want to kick my brother's gf in her fat mouth.
3.) On Saturday we were supposed to go to the beach in Monterey, until my dad woke me up at 7am asking me to take him to the ER. He has really bad kidney stones and was up all night in really bad pain, but waited until 7am to tell anyone. So my brother Jeff, his wife, and I all take him to the ER, and my brother Paul met us there. When they finally called his name to go back, Jeff and Paul made me go with him because they said I'm the only one that will understand what the Dr. says anyway so I need to go and just come out and let them know what they say. So I sat with my dad in the room for 4 hours at first watching him cry in pain, then once he got extremely powerful painkillers he was in and out of sleep. My dad also has diabetes, so the nurse took his blood sugar and it was triple what it should be, and this was after he had taken insulin and with no food in his system. Wonderful. Whenever he would wake up he insisted on telling me about his will, and who gets what, and to make sure my mom doesn't get his pension, blah blah blah. I wanted to give myself a shot of the drugs he had in order to sit through that talk. Meanwhile my brothers sat in the lobby watching cartoons and taking pictures of girls butts on their camera phones. They finally discharged him and the first thing he did was sneak to a vending machine and get a Mountain Dew. Which is exactly what you should do when your blood sugar is TRIPLE WHAT IT SHOULD BE!!!! Fuckin Einstein!
4.) Once we got my dad home later that afternoon he was still all drugged up so all he could do was sleep. I woke him up after a few hours because I realized the only thing he had consumed all day was some Mountain Dew. I took in a couple tacos my brother got for him and some water. He said he didn't want them but wanted the percocet they sent him home with. I asked him if he was in pain and he said no, so I assumed it was a preventative measure. I told him I'm not giving him any pills until he gets something in his stomach since he hadn't eaten all day. He was not happy about that. He said he had to go to the bathroom, so he went and I was talking to my sister in law in the other room. Then I saw him go back in his room and then outside to smoke. I knew he went in and took the pill that I told him he couldn't have until he ate something, sure enough that's exactly what he did. So I got the taco, went outside and told him "Looks like you're having a picnic since you didn't want to eat this inside." Then, of course, he started acting like he was going to throw up and said the one bite he took made him sick. I got so pissed! I told him it wasn't the taco, it was the pill that made him sick, which is exactly why I told him he had to eat something first! So I went inside and got him some water, saltines, and some ginger for the nausea and made him eat a couple of the crackers and take the ginger in front of me. Then the pain pill started kicking in so he went right back to sleep for several more hours. I was still really worried about his blood sugar so I told my sister in law I wanted to check it again to monitor it and make sure it doesn't get any higher, because it was already at a dangerous level and if it got any higher he would be in serious trouble. My brother got so pissed and started yelling at me that I'm making something out of nothing, and I need to leave him alone that he's a grown man and I can't cure him so I need to fuck off. We got in a huge fight, and I didn't want to get into a screaming match with him so I left and went on a long hike in these hills by the house. While I was out I called my sister Serena and told her everything that had happened and she totally backed me up, she told me I was right and if Jeff has a problem with it he can call her and she'll set him straight. After a while I went back home and Jeff calmly told me that I need to realize that my dad doesn't give a fuck about his health, isn't going to take care of himself, and by me making all this effort to help him today isn't going to make a difference tomorrow or any other day so I'm wasting my time. I told him that I know I can't cure him, I'm just trying to make sure he's well enough to travel back to NM on Sunday and that if he doesn't get his blood sugar down not only can he not travel, but he's going to need medical attention. He got pissed and once again said I'm making something out of nothing and left the room. My dad woke up shortly after that and went outside for a cigarette so I told him to give me his kit so I can take his blood sugar and he said he didn't bring it with him. He was totally lying, but it's not like I could go through his stuff and call him on it. So my hands were tied. He slept the rest of the day and night and today he was pretty much just hungover from all the pain meds he took yesterday. He was supposed to leave today at 3pm, but told us he changed his flight so he could leave on Tuesday. Normally I wouldn't mind this at all, but this pissed me off for a few reasons. He's obviously not well, and hasn't been well for a very long time but he does nothing about it. He eats horribly, never exercises, is extremely overweight, smokes like a chimney, is diabetic, has emphysema, kidney stones, and a new knee injury that he's having surgery for on Wednesday. Every single one of these problems could be under control but he chooses not to take care of himself. So, the fact that he stays here because he's not well, yet does NOTHING to try to improve the situation pisses me off because all he's doing is popping pain pills and smoking right in front of our faces to remind us of how fucking selfish he is. I gave up my bed for him to sleep in while he's here, so he takes the blanket I use to sleep with from the couch I sleep on and wraps himself in it to go out and smoke, then brings it in all wet from the rain and reeking of smoke for me to sleep with. Thanks Dad! He got irritated because he had to take back his rental car today, so he expected me to give up my car so he could keep it tomorrow. Sorry, not gonna happen. Not only do I need it to go to work, but I'm not going to leave my car to him when I know he's going to be taking his percocet and be drugged up all day. He's out of his fuckin mind. He should've thought about that before he changed his flight. He stays here because he's not well enough to travel, yet all he's doing is smoking, popping percocet, not eating, sleeping, and taking insulin yet not monitoring his blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, I'm exhausted, stressed out, pissed off, sleepless, on this uncomfortable couch, with this rotten ass blanket, listening to him cough up a lung and snore in his drug induced coma in my nice, warm, comfy bed all night, AND I have to get up for work tomorrow.
5.) It's been raining all weekend and Jeff tells me today that the sunroof in my car has been open since Friday, but he forgot to tell me until today.
In other news... Friday my boss let me know that tomorrow is my last day because the girl I'm covering for is coming back so they don't need me anymore. So as of Tuesday I'm unemployed again until the temp agency can place me somewhere else. So I've got that going for me, which is nice.
Mama's boy called today to tell me that because of his jailbait ex-girlfriend he's suicidal and under 24 surveillance by order of his therapist. Then asked when I'm moving back because he really wants to see me. With my luck it's probably so he can off himself in front of me!
Chester called today to tell me that he won his football game today 52-0. Yay.
Doing the right thing doesn't always get the response we expect from other people. I guess your bro may want a quiet life, while your father may be deluding himself that all is fine while everyone other than you lets him. stick with it :^)
Wow, that sucks. Well, it's a brand new week so hopefully things will get a little better for you.
That's some tough shit to deal with!! Stay stong :)
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