Thursday, March 03, 2005

Sex dream

Last night I had this really weird dream. I had a dream I was in a really big master bedroom that was kind of messy. It had shopping bags, and clothes and stuff lying around everywhere. Then all of a sudden First was there, we were flirting and stuff and he was trying to get some. At first I didn't want to, but as time progressed I changed my mind. Well, then, I started to notice I wasn't the only girl in the room. There were 3 or 4 other girls in there all jealous and glaring at me while he was all over me. It freaked me out so I started to back off of him, then he suggested we go under the bed. There was like 4 feet of space under the bed so we went under there and were about to have sex when I stopped him and asked him my name. At first he was like avoiding the question, and wouldn't answer me. Well, at that point I wanted to do it just as bad as he did so I said fuck it, made him put a condom on and we went at it in this really weird position where he was standing up and I was like half way through a back flip. It's hard to explain. Anyway, while we're going at it, he leans down pulls my head back by my hair and whispers "Your name is Elizabeth." That was SO freakin hot to me! So shortly after we finished. Then we were just hanging out afterwards, naked. He wanted to do it again, but I didn't... then I found a box of lucky charms in the bedroom that had "Happy Birthday" all over it, and that's where it ended. How weird is that???


At 12:14 PM , Blogger JaG said...

I can't believe you dreamt the condom in there!!!!


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