Sunday, February 13, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day!

That's right, I'm single, and I still wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day! I know a lot of single people are very bitter about this holiday. They say it's just another stupid Hallmark holiday, blah blah blah. I don't agree. It's always been one of my favorite holidays, whether I have a significant other to share it with or not. To me, Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love, love for significant others, friends, and family. I do think all of the teddy bears, red heart boxes of chocolates, and carnations are pretty cheesy though. This is a holiday for you to show appreciation for the people in your life that mean the most to you. Not with a teddy bear, or chocolate but with kind words, a home made card, home made dinner, or a backrub. We take people we love for granted so much, and to have one day to stop and show someone how much you love them is a great thing. Some of you are saying "Well, that should be done all the time. We shouldn't have to have a holiday to do that." I agree, but it doesn't happen all the time, and we all know that. So, to all of you out there who have kept up with me, put up with me, and helped me so much through all my ups and downs... I can't tell you how much I appreciate you, and how glad I am that you've touched my life in one way or another.

By the way, does anyone have any ex-boyfriend repellant? You know, like a Raid type thing. Because let me tell you, I'm fuckin infested! Today, no joke, all in one day Mama's Boy, Chester, Marine, and Patterson all called. Are you kidding me??? Mama's Boy wanted to know if I'd given any thought to what we talked about. Yes, and the answer is still no. Chester wanted to follow up to get my answer to if I'd be his Valentine. Yeah, um I'm still gonna need a little time on that. Marine called to give me his new phone number, say Happy Valentine's Day, then proceed to tell me about some girl from the internet that he met in person who told him that she likes to be beat up and choked out during sex, and another girl (also from the internet) that he has a date with on Friday. That's great, Happy Valentine's Day to you too... idiot. And, last but not least, Patterson wanted to call and remind me that we were supposed to go to Disneyland this weekend, and would be there right now had I not broken up with him. Yes, in a perfect world we would be in Disneyland together, I would be 5 months pregnant, and you wouldn't have been such a dickhead when we were together, but we're not, I'm not, and you were, so I don't need updates from you to remind me of this. Move on! Oh my god, I need new people in my life! Not the same old recycled shmucks! I do admit that it is my fault for allowing them to keep coming back. I'm a sucker. I know. They all (well, most of them) know exactly what I wanted from them when we were together so they come back now and use that to sucker me back in. I'm weak. I know. I definitely need to work on that.


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