Thursday, January 27, 2005


Ok, I just got the funniest e-mail ever from First. We e-mail back and forth pretty much all day every day. Which shows how exciting our jobs really are. So, for the past couple days he's been saying I still owe him from our bets that we made. I told him I more than paid off my bets when he came. I did everything he told me to do, and them some. He said no, that he still has some left over, which is wrong because in the heat of the moment he forfeited the rest of them and said to do with them what I please. So I did. Now he wants to collect. I told him if he really wants it that bad he can come visit me again. Then he started complaining because he came to see me last time, so he thinks I should make the trip to Phoenix this time. I told him it's not gonna happen, so he got all hurt. So... that's the conversation we're having and he sends me this e-mail:

"How do you even have friends? You got to be the meanest lady I have
ever met. You don't repay bets, you make grown men cry, what kind of
devil spawn are you?"

I could not stop laughing.


At 11:18 AM , Blogger EIizabeth said...

Well, the bets were paid off in any way he wanted. So, for example, the first thing I had to do was get on my knees and kiss his shoe and tell him something like he is my king or something like that. It started out with stupid stuff like that and getting him a beer, then a back massage, then I had to kiss his stomach (I think that was his way of showing off his 6 pack, and so on)... you get the picture.


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