Thursday, January 27, 2005

Almost Friday

It's almost Friday, thank god. I'm so over this week. Work is still going fine. My boss asked if I'd be interested in a full time position, so I told him yes of course. He didn't get into any specifics, but the fact that he asked that and I could see the wheels turning in his head I took as a good sign.

Patterson now has this website, so I checked it out and sure enough he got a few little digs in, knowing that I would read it. It didn't offend me in the least, I actually thought it was funny. He also e-mailed me again because when I responded to his first e-mail I asked him what he's doing, if he's working or anything. He said no (big surprise), but get this! He said "I'm not working now because I don't have to. I may eventually get a job, or maybe pursue a hobby." Wow. That's attractive. He acts like he's a millionaire or something. He gets like $1000/month from the Army and he's perfectly happy getting that, living off his aunt, and playing Everqueer all day. I'm really kicking myself for letting him go.

My brother has been going through a really nice phase again, so it's been a lot more pleasant at home. Right now I'm just really focusing on figuring out what my next step will be so I can get out of there. My options right now are to either save a little money and rent a room from someone on Craigs List, or move back to NM and in with my sister. They both have pros and cons.

New Mexico
Being around my sisters, brother, niece and nephew all the time again.
Being able to go back to school.
Catch up on bills, and be able to put away some savings.
Not have the finacial stress I have here.
Being defeated. Feeling like I failed out here.
Living in the same city as my parents
Less opportunity
It's boring. Nothing to do besides movies, bowling, malls, and drinking.
Risk getting "stuck" there again.
Having to face old ghosts.

Duh, it's California!
It's beautiful
There's always something to do
My brothers and friends are here
There's a ton of opportunity
It's far from my parents, and all their drama.
The cost of living is outrageous.
I can't go to school because all I'll have time to do is work to pay bills.
I'll never be able to pay off old debt.
I can't put anything away in savings.
I'll never be able to make enough to buy a house here on my own.
I never have extra money.
My brothers are talking about moving to NM in the near future, and I would be the only one here.

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I have time for now. This is killin me! I'll figure it out though. I just hope it's sooner than later.


At 11:12 AM , Blogger EIizabeth said...

Hmmm Switzerland sounds tempting! I could just leave the US altogether, that would solve my CA/NM problem for sure. haha! = ) I would live in Albuquerque, NM.

Miss P,
You're absolutely right in everything you just said. Which is why I made the decision to go back. It's just frustrating because I'm stubborn and have too much pride so I feel like I failed out here and I'm going back with my tail between my legs. But, as First told me i just have to bite the bullet and do what's best.

I want to thank all of your for your advice. You guys always bring up very good points that I don't think of, and it really helps my decision making easier. = )


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