Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Mama's Boy

I was with Mama's boy from age 20-22, he's only like 6 months older than me and has a daughter that he has full custody of. Everything was perfect in the "honeymoon phase", we were inseparable, he was so thoughtful and romantic. Then he got too comfortable and about a year into the relationship it started going downhill. He became more distant and I became more insecure. He had quite a few female friends that he talked about all the time, he wouldn't ever let me meet them, and he would never talk to them around me. I was sure he was cheating on me so I always had to know where he was, and who he was with, and I was with him every possible chance I got. I also wanted to make sure he knew he didn't have to go else where for what he could get with me, so I initiated sex ALL THE TIME. Not because I necessarily wanted it all the time (of course I wasn't complaining), but because I didn't want him to have to get it anywhere else. In the last year we were together we broke up and got back together like 4 times I think. Then I finally decided that I was just making myself crazy by staying with him, so I broke up with him for the final time. About a week later he found himself a 17 year old girlfriend. A few weeks after that is when I moved out here, then... one day out of the blue he called me. I had all brand new numbers and everything when I moved out here, so you can imagine my surprise. He said that he realized what a mistake he made treating me the way he did and wanted to see if there was any chance I would take him back, so he went to the place I worked before I left to tell me this, but instead my old co-worker told him that I had moved to California. This was something I had always told him I wanted to do, but he always thought it was a threat and never took me seriously, so he couldn't believe it. So, for the last 2 years he's been begging me to get back with him. It turns out that the 17 year old girlfriend he had did the same number on him that he did on me. So he finally felt everything I had been telling him he made me feel. However, when I came here I regained the self esteem I had lost when I was with him so I had no problem telling him that I'm not sacrificing everything I worked so hard for out here just to go take a chance again with him. I told him if he wanted to be with me, I had no problem giving him another chance... if he moved out here. He said he couldn't because of his daughter. The first several times I visited home, I would see him, we'd talk for a while and we'd always end up having sex. Then I would come back home, and he would call me and ask me again to consider being with him, and I would tell him again to move out here. The last time we had sex, or even saw eachother was a year ago. He's grown up a lot. He has his own place, he's working, he's going back to school, and coaching a high school basketball team. His whole attitude has changed in every aspect, and now we've both decided that if it's meant to be it will happen and just kind of left it at that.


At 11:42 AM , Blogger J said...

I was going to write this whole big thing.
But instead I'll just sit back and smile as we watch this unfold.
You're gonna be ok.
Sounds like you might wind up being better than ok.

Not that I'm saying what's gonna happen or anything........

At 11:51 AM , Blogger EIizabeth said...

Wow! I'm very surprised to see that response from you Jamie! Not what I expected at all. I am kind of curious however, to hear what you're thinking.

At 12:59 PM , Blogger J said...

Reverse Karma.
You've had enough.
It's time for your luck to turn.
Maybe it's devine intervention.
That's what I think.....
You're both older,smarter and have a couple scars. Scars are good sometimes.
You might have to let that iron curtain down a bit pretty soon.

At 8:02 AM , Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Things will work out the way they're supposed to. Hang in there. :)


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