Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Sore boobs

I don't know what's worse, the morning (which should be called all-day) sickness, or the sore boobs. I'm totally a stomach sleeper, which of course is going to have a change. But I thought for sure I'd at least have a couple months left. Nope, the votes are in... and the boobs say no, no stomach sleeping. They hurt so freakin bad! Obviously I didn't get the memo on this part of the deal. Damn! Yes, it is Patterson's. I called him to tell him, and he was very happy. It was kind of weird that he was so happy, but a good thing no less. He's working on moving down here closer to me so he can be right here whenever I need him, which is good. He kept pushing for us to move in together but I told him I don't want to rush anything. It has to be done because we're ready for it, and want it... but because we feel forced. My family is reacting surprisingly well to all of this. Well, I think that's because I've only told my sisters and mom. My sister told my brother (in-law), and he's excited too. I'm so scared to tell my brothers. They're going to freak out! I was scared of what my brother (in-law) would say, and was really surprise he reacted the way he did. I asked my sister if he would be interested in coming out here to tell my other 2 brothers for me. haha! Anyway... I'm going today for my first ultrasound. I'm so nervous. I don't know why. I guess because I don't know what to expect. Jamie! HELP! I'll definitely keep you all updated on everything. I better go get ready though. See ya!


At 1:41 PM , Blogger J said...

I've been trying to comment on everybody's blogs for a day now and it finally let me in.
Fucking blogger. You Suck!!!
Anyway. I'm here for ya. I'll try to get M in here too. She's finally feeling better. The vomit festival only goes on at night now.
Here's what I learned.
Carry a lemon with you. Smells will make you sick...smell the lemon to feel better.
Crackers,saltines...bullshit. Try salt & vinegar pringles. They soak up all the spit that is making you puke. Drink something a half hour before eating. then a half hour after. Don't drink with your meal.
Stress=more vomit.
Peanut butter MAY work for you to help with the nausea...but go for those chips first.
Eat lots of popsickles. And don't bother getting the healthy ones .Get POP-SICKLES.


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