Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Tune Test

Jaime said I gotta do it, so I say "Sir, yes sir!" HA! Here it goes...

1. Song that sounds like happy feels: Happy Face - Destiny's Child

2. Earliest memory: Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue (Ok that wasn't my earliest memory I dont think, but i remember being really little and watching the video on MTV. It was #1 for like 1000 weeks)

3. Last CD you bought: Ashanti - Concrete Rose

4. Reminds you of school:Elementary- Bad Medicine - Bon Jovi / Jr. High: Linger - Cranberries / High School: Makaveli - 2pac

5. Total music files on your PCU : 1,125

6. For listening to repeatedly when depressed: She Hates Me - Puddle of Mudd

7. Sounds british, but isn't: Huh?

8. Tune you love, band you hate: Shadow - Ashlee Simpson

9. A favorite from the past that took ages to track down: Put it in your mouth - Akinyele

10. Bought the album for one good song: Nelly - Sweat

11. Best Song to Get Stuck in your Head: Let me love you - Mario

12. Song ( or songs) that best descibes YOU: Don't let me get me - Pink

13. Worst song to get stuck in your head: Drop it like it's hot - Snoop

3 people who need to take this: Matt, Miss P, Urbane


At 5:40 AM , Blogger J said...

Ok..Look. It's 7:30am here. I got the presses rolling and "Low Self Opinion" by Henry Rollins blasting in my face with the speakers about 18" away and turned up on 10 (No shit...It's how I wake up).
Then I click on your site and as I've done every day this week I have to go and turn out those two videos in your posts that start playing along with my Hank Rollins!!!
You're ruining my coffee!!
But there's love...I'm just sayin.

At 9:01 AM , Blogger EIizabeth said...


You love it.

At 10:13 AM , Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Numbers 11-13 apply to me, too. Damn, you were high school when the Cranberries were big? I was still in college. Damn, I'm old. *lol*


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