Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Just another day

I don't really have anything new or exciting to talk about today. I woke up sick this morning, it's the same thing my sister has. Headache, body aches, laryngitis, low grade fever, it's tolerable but still not very fun. My brother and sister in law decided to start Body for Life, so I figured it couldn't hurt for me to do it and the exercise would probably feel good. They have their goals to lose 20 or 30 lbs or whatever, I just want to have more energy. I'm thinking about pulling about my Pilates dvd again. Ouch!

My brother is still being really cool (knock on wood). Last night the 3 of us played cards for a while, it was fun even though he's a cheating bastard. ;) Mama's boy called me the a couple days ago, so I sent him a text message asking him what's up. He said he had been trying to call and wanted to know why I wouldn't answer. I told him I was busy. He said he was thinking of me and missed me. I think he's full of shit and playing his little mind games again. He IM'd me today trying to make me feel bad for leaving NM without saying bye to him. I said I have bigger things to worry about right now than his games, and he didn't say another word. What he wants is to keep me at bay so that way when he has problems with Jailbait, he knows he can come to me and I will want him. Sorry, those days are over. Patterson is also online today, but hasn't said a word to me. I don't blame him. I'm still trying to find somewhere to go for counseling. It's not as easy as I thought it would be. I definitely don't want to call some hotline, I want someone I can sit and talk with face to face. So my hunt goes on. Well, time for me to go find some Vitamin C. See ya!


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