Monday, August 02, 2004

What we want

Yeah, so... this week I suck as posting. I just haven't really had much to say so I took a little break. I read a blog today (the Suburban Sex Blog, you can see in my list of links), and he posted a letter this guy wrote to him about what women want, and what we're attracted to. He was about 90% wrong which sucks for the burb man if he follows his advice. The one thing the jackass was right about was that women are attracted to confidence. This blog got me thinking about what attracts me the most to a man. The biggest thing by FAR, and i mean FARRRRRRR is chivalry. There is NOTHING better than a true gentleman. Seriously, i get so weak and melt like butta! Guys don't realize what it does to a girl when you open our door, pull out our chair, give us your jacket, pick a flower! For the love of God, we really don't want much! Make us feel safe, make us feel beautiful, and you'll have us eating out of the palm of your hand. It's so easy!!! FBI is the epitome of a gentleman. There is nothing about him that I'm not attracted to. You know what's funny though? He's good looking, but he's not gorgeous. He doesn't have a fantastic body, and the sex really isn't all that good. But, he's SUCH a gentleman, when I'm with him I feel safe, I feel beautiful, I feel everything that a woman wants to feel. His smile brightens up the whole room. He's friendly to everyone, he's smart, he's funny, he's very respectful. He's thoughtful, he truly listens, and remembers everything I say. He's concerned with my well being, and makes sure I know he cares. He's honest, and dependable. He's responsible, and respectable. I could go on and on about all his wonderful qualities, but I think you get the point. Army is the same way, he's absolutely AMAZING! Those are the things we look for, we don't need a Tiffany's bracelet, we need you to do the little thoughtful things. Run me a bubble bath and light a candle, pick a flower that made you think of me, play with my hair, call me to wish me a good day, or to say you're thinking of me. It's SO easy guys! Here's a perfect example: Army got my letter that said I was going through a rough time, so he waited up till 1am over there so that he could call me after noon California time so he wouldn't wake me because he knows I sleep late. He is in one of the most violent parts of Iraq, in 130 degree weather, in combat daily, rarely has a chance to sleep, hasn't been able to shower in days... but he got my letter and wanted to make sure I was ok, so he paid his friend to let him use his calling card and called me during one of the few chances he had to sleep to ask me if I'm ok. To ask ME if I'M ok! He's getting shot at every day in 130 degree weather, and he's concerned with ME! One word... WOW!!! So that's what we want guys. Is it really that hard???

P.S. A uniform (military, police, fireman, whatever), and a gun never hurt either! In case you couldn't tell, I'm the biggest sucker for uniform there is!


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