This morning Cop's wife called me and asks if I had called the Apt. office again to ask if Cop has paid the rent. I hadn't talked to them today, so I called again and the guy at the office said no. He also said that if it wasn't paid by 10am tomorrow they will take us to court, then we have to pay the court costs on top of what Cop owes. So I call his wife back and tell her no, he hasn't paid it. She called him and he told her that guy is trippin that he never told her he'd pay it yesterday, he said he'd pay it Thursday. Umm... you can't fuckin pay it Thursday asshole! The notice said 3 days from Sunday! His wife starts telling me how I need to call him and make things right. Fuck that! I don't have to do shit. I'm not the one that fucked up. I'm tired of always being the one to make things right. This is his fault, and his responsibility. He needs to fuckin own up to it, and be a man. Instead he acts like a fuckin dickhead and pretends nothing happened. His wife said it's frustrating for her that we don't talk. Sorry! Then leave! I asked the guy at the office what it would take to transfer my lease to a one bedroom. He said that in my case he would make an exception. It would take a little extra money in the beginning, but I think it would be well worth it, especially since I can't afford to move to the bay area yet.Here's an update for ya since my post this morning... Cop's wife told him that I'm moving out, and he threw a fit. She told him he better make things right with me or I'll leave and he won't have anywhere to go. He said that won't be a problem because he'll never sign the roommate release form, and that he won't let me leave over something so stupid. So, now I'm stuck at his fuckin mercy. He'd rather both of us be totally miserable and have me stuck there with him than accept what he's done and let me move on. He told his wife that he won't talk to me because I'm mad at him. Ummmm hello you fuck! If you do something wrong, and piss someone off, it's your fuckin responsibility to go to them and make it right. AAAAAHHHHHH! I don't know what to do. I'm at a loss.
Fuck that! She should have to pay you for it! You gave it to her, she lost it, she owes you. That's how it works. I had irresponsible people too!
Woops, I meant I hate* irresponsible people too. =)
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