Day 9
Buenos dias! I have no idea why I'm in such a good mood today, but I am. Maybe it's all the soldiers from Reagan's funeral. I watched them throughout the evening last night. The 5 of them (one for each branch of the military) just stood perfectly still, in full dress uniform, guarding Reagan's casket in half hour shifts. So, you guessed it, every half hour there was the whole "changing of the guards" process. I watched it about 12 times yesterday, and let me tell you... it never got old. THEN... damn C-SPAN cut out just before another changing of the guards for some republican conference for people who worked with Reagan to talk about him. That's all well and good, but I missed 3 changing of the guards because of it. They could of at least done the picture within a picture thing where they had the soldiers in a small screen up at the top. But nooooooooo. Now, just so you don't think I'm a complete freak for watching these soldiers stand there for hours on end, I should let you know that (for the most part) I just tuned in at the :29, and :59 of every hour. Just in time to see them salute, raise their rifles, and march in and out. Needless to say I set my VCR to record all of today's events ;) Yes, I know I'm going to hell for getting such enjoyment out of the events surrounding the loss of someone's life. But you know what? I'm ok with going to hell. Everyone I know is gonna be there, why would I want to be anywhere else?So, Cop talked to me a little last night, nothing big or important but I'll take what I can get. This morning I wished him well on his interview with LAPD tomorrow, and told him to drive safe, then he gave me a hug, but shhhhhhh don't tell his wife! (rolling my eyes). Speak of the antichrist, she called me last night (from Cop's mom's house) and was like "ummm are you mad at me?" I said "I have a lot on my mind, and really don't want to talk about any of it." She was like "I just feel really bad because we're good friends, and I want you to talk to me about whatever is going on with you." Oh for fuck's sake! Shut up you fuckin 2 faced beezy! (the word Cop and I use for bitch) I just said "I'm fine." Fuck her, I don't trust her for shit so I'm not telling her shit. Confronting her would do nothing but make the situation worse, because she would just turn around and twist my words up and make me out to be the bad guy.
I had lunch again today with Benz. He told his boyfriend about Cop and I having sex for the last time like 4-5 months ago, and his boyfriend told him to ask me if it's true what they say about black guys (Cop is half black, half italian). I told him yes, that it was more painful than anything else. Then we both started cracking up. I love hanging out with Benz, he loves to do all the stuff you do with girl-friends, but has the chill personality of a guy.
My weekend plans are still under debate. I have the apartment to myself, so there's several options there. But to tell you the truth, I don't really want to see anyone. I think I just kind of want to have a quiet weekend to myself. Sleep in, wash my car, watch movies... stuff like that. I don't know what turning 24 did to me, but I've been so much more mellow lately. 19-23 were craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy, and now I'm starting to think I'm ready to think about settling down. What the...???
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