Thursday, November 09, 2006

Afternoon Update

Well, after I wrote my last post, I was pretty bummed and couldn't concentrate on anything, so I decided to take an early lunch. I went home, with a headache, and My Love's car was still there. This was at 11:30, and you probably remember that I mentioned his first class today was at 11:00. So, I knew then that he obviously over slept quite a bit. I go up, and sure enough, he's sound asleep. I wake him up and ask him if he's ok, he says "yeah, why?" i tell him that it's 11:30 and he says, "damn.", but is in no hurry to get up. So I lay down with him, and start rubbing his chest and stomach, he says he needs to get in the shower so he gets up, walks to the bathroom, then comes back to lay down with me again. I, now having energy, decided to take advantage of the little bit of extra time and make up for my lack of affection last night. So, I gave him some uh... special kisses for a while, then he moved around to the back to finish up. After that he had to hurry and get dressed in order to make it to his 12:30 class, that he had a test in, on time. I had written him a note this morning and left it by the bathroom mirror that said


I know you'll do great today. I am so proud of everything you're doing and everything you are. You are brilliant. I love you!"

He found it when he was getting ready, and put it in his pocket. He gave me a big hug and kiss, said thank you and had to run out. I have to admit to do feel a little better than I did this morning. I just hope tonight is better than last night.


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